H. D. Hartmann sends MANDACHI to the “repeater corner”: criminal nonsense. You need a lot of courage! – EXCLUSIVE


H. D. Hartmann sends a sharp message, in which he warns Mandatefan Mandachi, in severe terms.

“You need a lot of courage”

The truth is that to make a false kilometer of road you don’t need too much school. To manage two bars and a restaurant, culture, education, hard work at school are not very necessary, there is at least one (very small) book read between two little ones and a meatball placed on hot coals. All you need is a commercial touch, typical of the 90s and a lot of courage.

“Basic mistakes, many”

This Mandachi is now a big influence on I don’t know what electronic media platforms. I continue to hear about him giving lessons to those who are impressed by the “successes” of Moldovan capitalism on accurate information and especially on the truth. Not that I ask a Mandachi for anything, although the still vivid memories of the great George of “Seven Chairs” “from Bucharest, where Maria Tănase sang, seems to show us the great difference in quality between the two. Nothing serious, if the individual does not He had made basic mistakes, many, in a last publication that wants to be intelligent, but expresses the intellectual lazy, record even for a kilometer of artificial intelligence, because the natural cannot be.

First of all, Mr. Mandachi, I warn you that the Spanish flu virus did not appear in Spain, as you falsely claim, in a logic of hashtags without school and payment on the published poster. The Influenza A H1N1 virus broke out in 1917-1918, more precisely in the winter between those years. Large historical research laboratories offer the United States or the United Kingdom as their country of origin. Decisive information on the exact origin of the 1918 pandemic does not exist because Patient 0 has never been identified.

The latest medical research (2008-2018), analyzing the textile tissues found in the mass graves of pandemic victims in Europe and the USA. The US agreed to describe only that the first place where the disease was identified, which also became a place of spread, was the US state of Kansas. , where the great training camps for American infantrymen who were sent to the European front were located. Although the US medical reports. USA They informed President Woodrow Wilson of the outbreak, he decided to send troops to Europe, becoming the main agent of transmission of the virus among the populations of the old continent. To make the revenge of history ironic, when the same soldiers returned, after the end of the war, the EE. USA They knew the effects of the H1N1 epidemic, the American continent was devastated by the disease of its own soldiers.

Why was it called the Spanish Flu?

The virus is estimated to have decimated 50 million, infecting more than 500 million, or a third of the world population at the time. It was called the Spanish flu because the press in Spain, a neutral country at the time, was much freer to publish information on the situation. As you don’t know, because the books didn’t go through his hands, press censorship in democratic America or in stunning England was as harsh as in any modern European dictatorship, he recently concluded. As such for the war period, for reasons of falsely manipulative propaganda (exactly like the one you are subordinating today), nor in the US. USA Even in the UK, the press was not allowed to write about the symptoms or the medical disaster caused by the pandemic. As such, the Spanish flu has nothing to do with Spain or the place of origin of the pandemic.

Mandachi, sent to the “Google repeater corner”

The lack of culture is hairy, but the false propaganda, even during COVID-19, or officially as the SARS-CoV-2 virus is called (to rectify another lie of the Mandachi brand, with the firmness necessary to develop flatterers from the neighborhood), should Send you to the Google repeat corner. After all, no one can send you to the library, after all, a kilometer of shelves harmoniously assembled by you did not bring as much false advertising as a kilometer of rushed asphalt materialized by three lei hashtags, but you still had to go to Goagăl. I hope you know that just by pressing a few buttons, you don’t have to swallow the dust from real books. If you don’t know, the owners of the advertising hashtag can explain it to you.

“Massive and extremely dangerous fracture”

Mandachi’s educational absence had been proven for a long time. But the logic offered by its one kilometer asphalt philosophy of its kind presents yet another massive and extremely dangerous fracture. Uncultivation does not kill or make anyone suffer. It would have been extremely effective, but nature kept those who lacked the basic letters of the alphabet from screaming in pain. However, bigotry racism and the semi-scholarly superiority of the local flatterer are violent elements of a tribal, nativist, and dangerous culture that must be immediately censured by civilized people. I remind anyone who wants to be homo sapiens sapiens, that according to the doxology of human civilization (from summer to the European Union), identifying the place of origin of a plague (pandemics) is the expression of the most primitive and imbecile racism possible. That is why the World Health Organization has given a scientific name to the current pandemic and not to the place of origin, so as not to create tensions between nations or races. That Mandachi has a problem with China is not my problem. His cheap ironies about Chinese products only prove his low intellectual level. But to identify the responsibility, which involves the blame of an entire nation, for a medical disaster, I have a big problem here.

Similarity to the Nazi or communist mechanism.

This is exactly what the Nazis or Communists did. In the triangular minds of the Nazis, the economic disaster of post-World War I Germany was created by Jews and the lower races. This was followed by the Holocaust, racial crime, genocide, and the enormous reserve of pure and Aryan hatred of the world, sparked by Hitler and his people. All coordinated and applied based on Hitler’s world patent inculturation. For the Mandachian kilometer-long asphalt communists, the outbreak of war with the class enemy led to mass murder and genocide after genocide. The mechanism that Mandachi uses to identify the enemy, the cause of all evil through the so-called “Chinese virus”, is identical to the Nazi or Communist one.

As such, the semi-medical career in hash paving can choose for himself the criminal nonsense he wants to promote. But never declare yourself as representative of the new civilized generation in Romania. Because it is not even thousands of kilometers from the modern and real Europe that the Romanians want to build. It is only a kilometer close to Nazism or Communism, united only by its complete lack of education. Through his uneducated racism, he shows that being a leading hashtag doesn’t require morality. To be racist, it also shows that you don’t even need to be an intelligent product of the human race. His horrible cultural, ideological, and mental primitivism stood out as a bas-relief. From the moon you can see racial arrogance, the filthy trick of the neighborhood boy, the moral smallness of the false. Dear Mandachi, stop by the school first. Start with the preparatory class, so you can learn how not to be a racist or just a flatterer of the signs of extreme illiterates on social media.