Guide arrested after 7 people he wanted to take to Romania drowned in the Danube


A Serbian citizen was detained for 24 hours by the border police in Mehedinti after 7 people he wanted to take to Romania drowned in the Danube. Mediafax reports.

On the night of April 16, two Serbian guides and 16 migrants fled a quarantine center in Serbia and wanted to reach Romania.

In the middle of the Danube, water began to enter the boat, and frightened migrants stood up. The boat capsized and the 18 people fell into the water.

Nine of them, including a Serbian guide, were rescued by Mehedinti border guards who heard their cries for help.

Six citizens of Syria and the second Serbian guide were found drowned in the Danube, the last bodies were removed by ISU Mehedinti employees in the past week.

One of the Syrians in the boat managed to save himself by swimming to the Serbian coast.

Mehedinti Border Police spokeswoman Corina Moraru stated that several assets were found in the boat, including 16 mobile phones and 5,420 euros, money that migrants were to hand over to the guides.

During the investigation, the migrants stated that they intended to arrive in the Netherlands and Austria, respectively.

The rescued people were kept for 14 days in a quarantine center in Mehedinti. They were tested for COVID-19, with negative results.

Border police detained the Serbian guide for 24 hours in Mehedinti for wrongful death, fraudulent border crossing and migrant smuggling, and she will be presented in court on Saturday with a proposal for pre-trial detention.
