Great party: the beheading of Saint John the Baptist. What They Say They Can’t Do On This Day – Source News


The beheading of Saint John the Baptist marks the day that Herod Antipas, one of the kings who ruled Galilee and Pereia, accused by the saint of sinning by living with his brother’s wife, agreed, as a reward for a dance, to behead the one who announced the coming of the Savior. .

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The last great feast of the ecclesiastical year is the beheading of Saint John the Baptist, which is celebrated on August 29.

It is one of the holidays that Christians ask for on an empty stomach. On the one hand because according to the New Testament, Herod, during a party, asked Salome to dance and as a reward he offered her the head of Saint John the Baptist, and on the other hand, as a sign of assuming the contained life of John. . Furthermore, the day of the beheading of Saint John the Baptist is considered an omen of Good Friday, and just as fasting is recommended every Friday, like the day of the Lord’s crucifixion, so is fasting on this day.

The beheading of Saint John the Baptist also closes the cycle of festivals with eschatological significance in August: “Through the Transfiguration we discover the face that man will have united to Christ – face of glory, through the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Christ carried later it goes from corruption to incorruption, while through this festival it is revealed to us that all those who were not strangers to the repentance proclaimed by Saint John the Baptist will go to heaven ”, states

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Not related to religious dogma There are popular beliefs that the knife should not be used on this day, and at the table, everything is broken by hand. Also outside the Christian calendar, a fast “from cross to cross” is mentioned, which lasted from this day until September 14, in the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which had the function of purifying those who committed murder or other sins . serious. Other popular prohibitions for this day referred to sweeping, cutting and eating round or cross-shaped fruits and vegetables, avoiding tomatoes and melons, but these are not provided for by the written rules of the church and are considered superstitions.

September 1 is the first day of the ecclesiastical year, according to the tradition inherited from the old law that says that on this day the Creation of the World began and also on September 1 the Savior began to speak to the people.
