GRAPHICS. The number of counties vulnerable to the spread of the pandemic is increasing. There are 276 outbreaks of COVID-19 in Romania


Bucharest and 16 counties have a high vulnerability related to the COVID-19 epidemic, and in 17 counties the vulnerability is medium. Mehedinti is the only county with a downward trend in the spread of the virus, with 174 outbreaks reported nationwide last week, according to the weekly report from the National Institute of Public Health.

In total, there are 276 outbreaks nationwide, most of them in residential centers for children or the elderly. The outbreaks are also present in hospitals, public institutions, schools or sports clubs.

Sursa: INSP

Bucharest and 16 counties have a high vulnerability related to the COVID-19 epidemic, and in 17 counties the vulnerability is medium. A week ago, only six counties were highly vulnerable. There is high vulnerability in the counties of Alba, Bacău, Brașov, Cluj, Constanța, Dolj, Giurgiu, Iași, Ilfov, Neamț, Prahova, Sibiu, Suceava, Teleorman, Tulcea and Vâlcea.

Sursa: INSP

The infection rate has risen to 10%, while around 60% of the beds for COVID patients are already occupied.

duck and beds
Sursa: INSP
  • In the week of September 28 to October 4, 36.8% of all cases were registered in Bucharest, Iasi, Bacau, Neamt and Cluj.
  • 30.4% of all deaths occurred in Bucharest, Prahova, Sibiu, Bacau and Caras Severin.
  • In 22 counties and in the municipality of Bucharest, there is a cumulative incidence rate of more than 100 / 100,000 inhabitants.
  • 1 in 25 of the total cases was registered with medical personnel.
  • 81.4% of all deaths occurred in people over 60 years of age and 60.1% of deaths were in men.
  • 95.3% of the deceased had at least one associated comorbidity.
cases and deaths 2
Sursa: INSP
cases and deaths
Sursa: INSP

Publisher: RK
