GRAPH Rapid increase in infection rate in Ilfov, moderate in Bucharest / Upper counties according to incidence of cases per thousand inhabitants – Coronavirus


Eight counties and Bucharest are in the COVID-19 red zone, the infection rate is rapidly increasing in Ilfov and a moderate one in Bucharest.

The cumulative incidence of COVID-19 cases per thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days remains the highest in Timis, 5.9. At the top is followed by Ilfov, which has a rapid growth, according to data published on Thursday, with the contagion rate of 5.79, compared to 5.35 the day before and 4.85 two days ago.

In Bucharest, growth is moderate. The infection rate is 4.57 on Thursday, compared to 4.49 the day before.

Brașov, Cluj, Hunedoara, Constanța, Alba and Sălaj are also in the red zone for COVID-19 with an infection rate of more than 3.

Timiș 5.90

Ilfov 5.79
Mun. Bucharest 4.57
Brașov 4.42
Cluj 3.97
Hunedoara 3.46

Constana 3.36

Dawn 3.21

Sălaj 3.05
Arad 2.60
Valcea 2.55
Giurgiu 2.53
Sibiu 2.48
Satu Mare 2.35
Bihor 2.34
Maramureș 2.33
Dâmbovița 2.32
Gorj 2.26
Dolj 2.17
Iasi 1.97
Brăila 1.95
Galați 1.92
Teleorman 1.89
Neamț 1.81
Mehedinti 1.71
Ialomița 1.67
Bistrița-Năsăud 1.57
Mureș 1.54
Botoșani 1.53
Calarasi 1.47
Arge 1.45
Bacău 1.44
Covasna 1.42
Faces-Severin 1.38
Prahova 1.34
Olt 1.32
Vaslui 1.32
Tulcea 1.28
Vrancea 1.20
Suceava 1.04
Buzau 1.02
Harghita 0.94
