Grandmother was imprisoned in Sighet, resistance helped


The Minister of Economy, Claudiu Năsui, responded this Tuesday, in the plenary session of the Senate, to the debate of the simple motion against him, to the accusations of the PSD that his family had collaborated with the former Securitate. “My father was condemned by the communists, my grandmother was imprisoned in Sighet because she helped the resistance,” the minister said.

“My father not only had nothing to do with the Securitate, but was also a victim of the Securitate. From the files of the CNSAS I brought here a sentence of seven with imprisonment and confiscation of property and prohibition of my father’s rights. It is sentence 272 of April 13, 1987, pronounced by the Bucharest Military Court for the act considered a crime at that time, called the refusal to return to the country. The culmination of the irony is that the person who convicted him is Doru Viorel Ursu, who after the Revolution he became Minister of the Interior in the government of Ion Iliescu – Petre Roman.Claudiu Năsui declared in the plenary session of the Senate.

The minister also said that he had a grandmother imprisoned at Sighet and a great-grandfather who was imprisoned at Fort 13.

“You must know that my family had an unhealthy social background because a grandmother of mine was imprisoned in Sighet and has her name written there. Her only fault is that she helped the resistance with food, with shelter. I also had a great-grandfather who was also imprisoned in Fort 13 Jilava, “says Năsui.

He also said that the accusation that his father was involved in the Motorola business was a lie.

“You are attacking my family, hoping to upset me and leave you alone. (…) My father had nothing to do with that case, it is about an uncle of mine who was accused and who proved his innocence in court “Said Năsui.

According to his own statements, Minister Năsui’s father was an engineer at the Company for Industrial Equipment and Electronic Measurement in Bucharest, and in 1986 he remained in the United States, after being sent to trade.

“I was there to look for what could be sold of the electronic products that we were developing in the country. In the United States a partner was waiting for me, an” economic attaché, “as they called him then. All the economic attachés were from the old Securitate. “As it’s known. She was with me the whole time. We went to New York, we visited many clients together and, at one point, we disappeared in Chicago,” he said in an interview.

PSD, accusations against Năsui

In the simple motion debated in the Senate, PSD accuses Năsui that his family collaborated with the former Securitate and that “the only ones who benefit from Năsui’s presence in the Ministry of Economy are only the Securitates who support him” .

“With the current Minister of Economy, in close contact with former Communist Security workers, the companies of the Năsui family are fully prosperous thanks to the contracts placed on a platter, with direct commission, by various state institutions. The influence of Năsui’s son, who became a minister, ensures the perpetuation of the problematic business started in the 90s by the minister’s father and uncle, a business criminally investigated at that time in the famous Motorola Case, closed after a long cover-up how hard. even … criminal acts! ”Write the Social Democrats.

But beyond the incompatibilities and controversial agreements, it remains the moral fault of those who have emerged over time as a young hope for the reform of the Romanian political class. In reality, the one who promises us reform turns out to be a descendant direct of a network of relationships that have their roots in the old Communist Security! Although he vehemently denied any ties of his family to the Securitate, Minister Năsui always refrained from explaining the presence in his family’s companies of former Securitate graduates.

Used to having such Securitate around him, his puzzled reaction becomes explainable when asked about hiring a former Securitate collaborator at the Ministry of the Economy. In his immeasurable arrogance, the minister could not even denounce the moral guilt that was imputed to him. In that case, the minister argued that the one he had just hired had management experience that would have demonstrated his professional skills.

So what does it matter that he collaborated with the old Securitate, the main body of repression of those who dared to criticize the communist regime?They andme?>It is also shown in the simple move initiated by PSD.

Editing: Robert Kiss
