Government program. The Cîțu government promises to build 1,000 kilometers of roads


More than a thousand kilometers of highways and roads, increases in salaries, pensions and allowances, joining the euro, thousands of dispensaries in towns and 13 new hospitals in the big cities.

Also, hot meals in schools and major reforms in justice and finances.

These are some of the provisions of the government program of the Government of Cîțu, which became law when the composition of the cabinet was approved.

The government program has 269 pages, in which the PNL, USR, PLUS and UDMR coalition packed the three proposed programs before the elections.

For health, the promise is that they will gradually allocate up to 6% of GDP by 2024. – To have a term of size, 1% of GDP means 11 billion lei. 3 regional hospitals will be built: Cluj, Craiova and Iaşi, plus another 10 in the cities and more than 1,450 medical centers in the villages. Officials also promise a new law, but also a private health insurance system, modeled on the Second Pillar of pensions.

The same promise of 6% of GDP is for Education, but starting in 2024. Teachers’ salaries would be made according to performance criteria. For young children, kindergarten will be compulsory from the age of 3, gradually. For the rest of the students, two promises appear: hot meals and school after school with a program from 8 to 17 in all of Romania. The baccalaureate will be differentiated, the document also stipulates.

We move on to Infrastructures, where all available European funds and the co-financing of the budget of 2% of annual GDP for motorways and roads should be directed. Thus, we would reach more than 1,000 km of new construction in 2027. The continuation of the metro from Drumul Taberei to Pia toa Iancului appears. Metropolitan trains would be reintroduced for connections between cities and satellite areas.

In the Finance chapter, the reform of the Tax Agency aims to join the Eurozone in 2024. To stimulate recycling, the Government plans to reduce VAT on selectively collected waste. State aid to companies will be maintained, in parallel with a white list of good payers who will also receive facilities. Law enforcement will become an investigative move, meaning your state will no longer automatically take your money, but a check will come.

In Justice, the top of the list is the Reform of the Constitution and the implementation of the initiative “No criminals in public office.” But this point is also interesting, the reform of the Constitutional Court – let’s see if the idea will be constitutional 🙂 – also here is the abolition of the Prosecutor’s Instruction Section, and the elimination of the early retirement scheme for magistrates. The intensification of the fight against corruption reappears in the foreground, after 5 years of absence from government programs.

And finally, regarding the measures of the Ministry of Labor, the plan promises that those professional retraining programs that the Unemployment Agencies now carry out will be carried out by employers, with money from the State. The increase in pensions and subsidies will be done as already established, in annual installments, and the minimum wage will also increase as much as the economy allows. The special pensions of mayors will be postponed for one year. The contribution to the second pillar of pensions will increase by a quarter of a percentage point per year for the next 4 years.

Prospective parents should know that the Government plans to make parental leave more flexible, that is, to be able to take it for a longer period, according to the Swedish model. It remains for two years, but it can be taken, fragmented, up to 3 years, for example.

The government of Cîțu promises to build 1,000 kilometers of roads

The PNL-USR-UDMR coalition aims to achieve, in the next four years, a quantity of 1,000 kilometers of highways and expressways, to which are added 370 kilometers of ring roads, for a value of 5.5 billion lei, excluding VAT .

law Government program presented to Parliament, cited by Agerpres, in addition to the projects already started, the new government program also comes with proposals for new investment projects through the road and expressway construction program, based on “Well-founded and mature documentation that will determine the optimal path and investment value.”

These are the following projects:

– A8 highway, Târgu Mureş – Târgu Neamţ – Iaşi – Ungheni (about 311 km) – 36 billion lei, according to the Romanian General Transport Master Plan (MPGT); A7 motorway, Ploieşti – Buzău – Focşani – Bacău – Paşcani – Suceava – Siret (421 km) – 8.2 billion lei, excluding VAT, according to multi-criteria analysis; A13 highway, Brasov – Bacau (160 km) – 8.8 billion lei, excluding VAT, according to MGPT; A13 motorway, Sibiu – Brasov, following the Brasov – Bacau section (125 km) – 7.1 billion lei, excluding VAT, according to MGPT; fast track Craiova – Piteşti (lots 3 and 4) – 1,300 million lei, excluding VAT, contract award value; Expressways in the Dobrogea area, whose economic profitability requires their implementation as a priority – projects worth 11 billion lei, excluding VAT (Expressways Buzău – Brăila, Focşani – Brăila, Brăila – Tulcea, Constanţa – Tulcea, Tişiţa – Albiţa ), from where the Buzău – Brăila and Focşani – Brăila expressways will be completed, for a value of 3,200 million lei, excluding VAT; Fast track Calafat – Lugoj and rehabilitation / comprehensive repair of 157 bridges, considered by technical experts as urgent intervention needs; expressway Sfântu Gheorghe – Ditrău, respectively Sovata – Miercurea Ciuc.

The accessibility of the local poles of economic development through the implementation of a construction program of a number of approximately 370 km of bypass in the period 2021-2024, worth 5.5 billion lei, excluding VAT, is another objective included in document.

Here is provided, for example, the continuation of the bypass construction projects (VO, bypass): Bucharest National Beltway Road, with interventions in the four passages: Domneşti, Berceni, Olteniţa and Mogoşoaia, VO Bârlad, VO Timişoara Sud, VO Zalău, OV Satu Mare, OV Târgu Jiu, OV Galaţi, OV Tecuci, OV Mihăileşti, OV Târgu Mureş; start new projects: Cluj-Napoca Metropolitan Beltway, VO Sighişoara, VO Vaslui, VO Giurgiu, VO Sf. Gheorghe, OV Piteşti Vest, OV Timişoara Vest, OV Râmnicu Vâlcea; implementation based on partnerships with local public administration authorities of a bypass construction program (VO Sibiu Sud, VO Mediaş, VO Salonta, VO Arad Est, as well as other projects, whose economic and social justification supports them); design and subsequent implementation of a set of road nodes that ensure connectivity to the road network.

Not less important, government program foresees the continuation of the ongoing projects and their completion, respectively: A3, Transilvania Highway (approximately 155 km) – 4.2 billion lei, excluding VAT – preparation for the implementation of the Târgu Mureş – Braşov section; A1 motorway, Sibiu – Piteşti: accelerate the implementation of the Sibiu – Piteşti motorway, in the 5 sections of the project, ensuring non-reimbursable financing through the issuance of the financing decision of the European Commission – total investment 13.7 billion lei, excluding VAT – of which 2.3 billion lei, excluding VAT, for sections 1 and 5, project preparation – connection DN7C Curtea de Argeş – A1 (Section 5 Sibiu – Piteşti) – Râmnicu Vâlcea; A0, Bucharest Beltway Highway (about 100 km): about 5 billion lei, excluding VAT; A10, Sebeş – Turda Highway – lot 2 – 550 million lei, excluding VAT (total lots 1 and 2 – 1,900 million lei, excluding VAT); DX12, Express Road Craiova – Pitesti (121 km) – 3.2 billion lei, excluding VAT; Brăila – Galaţi express highway (12 km) – 530 million lei, excluding VAT; the suspension bridge over the Danube from Brăila – 1.9 billion lei, excluding VAT.

At the same time, the document assumes the increase of mobility in the Prahova Valley area by completing the design and tender for the execution of works for the construction of the Ploiesti – Brasov highway (6.5 billion lei, excluding VAT, according to the 2010 feasibility study); increase the administrative capacity of CNAIR, for the good implementation of the Ploieşti – Braşov highway, by developing a partnership with the Intercommunity Development Association (ADI) and making investments, in order to streamline traffic on DN1 (such as underground or above ground, additional rails, access straps).
