Government encourages sports performance: children will receive 300 lei on first identification in a club – News from sources


The government awards 300 lei vouchers for a child’s first identification in a sports club, according to an emergency ordinance adopted by the government on Thursday, announced the Minister of Youth and Sports, Ionuț Stroe, according to Mediafax.

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It is a measure, an urgent intervention by the Government, in favor of raising and motivating the largest possible number of children in the country to practice sport in a controlled regime, in an organized regime, precisely because this need exists at the level of sports clubs and entities. of Romania, first of all, to train a future generation of athletes. And we say this because, unfortunately, their number at the moment, the number of children practicing sports in a legitimate and organized regime is less than the need for Romanian sports, that is, a comparison, for example, with the number of people older is unfavorable. So we have fewer children, who, practically, should guarantee a much greater need for Romanian sport tomorrow, ”said the minister.

At the first identification of a child in a sports club, they will receive a 300 lei voucher. “The more children we have enrolled in sports entities, the more the future of Romanian sport can be secured,” he added.
