GOLD MPs Initiate COVID-19 Vaccine Plots: “I Don’t Want To Become A Guinea Pig Nation”


„Saint Stephen’s Day -” V “Vaccination Day. Coincidence or not? Is this how the Days of the Apocalypse begin? Today, the third day of Christmas, Christians celebrate the day of Saint Archdeacon Stephen, the first Christian martyr who paid with his life for his faith in Christ. Therefore, the complete sacrifice is related to the Nativity. A great sacrifice for a new birth. To those who bear this martyr’s name I say happy birthday. Are we also being asked in these days a new sacrifice for a new “Birth”? A sacrifice to create a new world, without suffering, but also without God? ”Dămureanu wrote on Facebook.

The AUR parliamentarian rhetorically wonders why the San Esteban vaccination began. “Why does the Great Vaccination start today, on a symbolic day? Is it a coincidence or not? The vaccination campaign personally does not inspire me the slightest confidence. There is too much money invested in media campaigns that do not address the issue of vaccination in a balanced way, on the contrary, the meaning of these messages is one-way, strictly in the sense of vaccination…. I do not want to become a guinea pig nation. It is enough that we have an irresponsible government, “added Ringo Dămureanu.

Ringo Dămureanu received a criminal fine in 2001 for hitting. After the conviction, he was again charged with another assault.

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