Going back to prohibition can only be a political decision, not a health one.


Raed Arafat spoke to Digi24 about the ban on pilgrimage to the relics of Saint Parascheva. The doctor said that “people must understand that it is not about disproportion, or discrimination, or the desire to harm some or the good of others. It is about the field of public health. “Regarding the statement from Patriarch Daniel, who considers that the ban on pilgrimage to believers who do not live in Iasi is a” disproportionate, discriminatory measure “, which was taken” without prior consultation “and In which he asks the authorities to annul the measure, Raed Arafat says that a return The ban can only be political, not sanitary. Likewise, the head of ISU explained that not only the presence in the pilgrimage is dangerous but also the way to Iasi and back from thousands of people presents a high risk of contagion.

Raed Rafat: I avoided commenting on the religious aspect, precisely because many tried to use exactly the fact that “Dr. Arafat is not part of our faith, he means that he has something to do with us.” This has been used in recent days, some have used it in a rather disgusting style.

The world must understand that it is not about disproportion, or discrimination, or the desire to harm some or the good of others. It is in the field of public health.

Decisions are made by analyzing public health problems. We have explained the logic behind this decision. That is, there is a risk of infection on the way to and from there, plus the time spent in place, if there are a large number of people.

Arafat: Going back to the ban can only be a political decision, not a health one

The ban is reversed only if the decision is political and not technical. Not! And that’s not what I’m saying, I know the opinion of the colleagues with whom we work. We have no way of going back to such a decision, which is made in good faith and based on very serious analysis. When you put people in wagons, trains and send them 8 hours and they return 8 hours, 7 hours, 6 hours, it is enough to be one, two asymptomatic between them and we wake up that 20 come back who are infected, and some of them put in endanger their lives.

The danger is great not only there, but also during transportation. Let’s take a bus. Let’s say we don’t put 50 people on it. We put 30 in it. They are a few hours of walking, we do not know if they will respect the use of the mask and everything else. There is no surveillance, some of them do not even want to wear a mask and, automatically, the means of transport becomes a place where the disease is transmitted to many.

That’s what I had. Once upon a time, at the beginning of the pandemic, we had situations with buses full of people from the diaspora, and only one infected person who went down to several counties, and we had to search for them, find them, see where they are. And more positive things came out.

The same can happen now. If it doesn’t happen in the shower, it happens in the back. Plus the situation on the ground, in a town that also has a high incidence of cases. The impact can be even more serious if thousands of people arrive in the town.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
