“God, thank you for putting me in jail. Because you love me so much.”


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Only one has been confirmed of him, in an interview with the magazine Lumea Credinţei, in which he says that his decision is related to the holy ones. His faith in God and why “I no longer want to fall in vain pride and glory“.

  • Without the presence of Becali in the media, with statements in which the players were often criticized, the team is on a very good course and is in 2nd place, at one point from the University of Craiova. In the last round, FCSB lost by CFR Cluj, score 0-2.

Becali thanked God for putting him in prison “to save him”

In prison I had an icon of Christ crucified for whom I have great mercy. And I brought her down, I got down on my knees and said: Lord, I thank you that you have brought me to jail. Because you love me so much that you want to save me by force! I did not mumble.

I know that people want to know about me, they are interested in me and then I don’t know how to do it.

… I don’t know anything but I say from what the Holy Fathers say, suffering is the purification of the soul. If you cleanse yourself here of rust through suffering, then you don’t have to cleanse yourself further.“said Becali, for lumeacredintei.com.

Gigi Becali was convicted in several cases and had to serve a sentence of three years and six months. He was released prematurely, after one year and 10 months. Among the reasons that helped him to get out of prison is the writing of the book “Mount Athos, the homeland of Orthodoxy.”

Giovanni confirmed that Gigi Becali wants to retire to a monastery

It has been said that Gigi Becali intends to retire to a monastery, but no one believes that the owner of FCSB can make such a sacrifice.

He is going to retire to the monastery, in fact that is his life: the church, the family, the FCSB. But later, in his old age, it was one of his pleasures.

But now it’s early, he still has girls to marry, he’s younger than me. This with the retirement is probable, he does nothing but prayers, church and services.said his cousin Giovanni Becali.

Tags: Gigi Becali , the world of faith
