Gigi Becali started construction! “I have a church where 30 people work, some by their side


The Pipera billionaire he is not afraid of military ordinances and spoke frankly about the progress of work.

“I have a church and 30 people are working on the construction side by side. And I’m not 3-3-3. Well, if I follow the ordinance, what else do you want? What does the ordinance say? Social distancing. I did social distancing. . What else do you want?Becali said in Antena 3.

Gigi Becali wants to help Romania with money: “I deposit 10 million euros!”

Otherwise, the FCSB financier, who also gave free time to trainHe said that Romania’s budget needs money so that the economy does not freeze.

“If you don’t put money in the economy, 50 billion, you’re responsible. Rulers, Orban, Iohannis, will be considered national criminals, destroyers of the country! Measures must be taken to invest tens of billions!

For example, I say this: to issue government securities with interest 0. I make a business association and deposit 10 million euros without interest, to help the state.

I want to borrow my country! But not through those banks, but through the state bank, CEC Bank. I don’t give you money, bank! And if I give, I give to a bank in Romania “, Gigi Becali also said.

Tags: gigi becali , gigi becali business , coronavirus , coronavirus pandemic
