Ghita, millions of euros of contracts with services


Anca Alexandrescu: This week, which took place from the first episode of the interview with you, you started receiving new documents and evidence. And I am referring here to the contracts that Sebastian Ghita has with SRI. I did a little research and discovered that your name and your companies appear in direct connection with various contracts at SRI since 2009, when you were brought into the Service by a general, Dumitru Zamfir. We will present this story in detail, but let’s talk about the document you got this week. I just spoke before that those who are now the new generation of secret services want this system cleaned up and that those practices no longer exist. Here are documents that come directly to you from within.

Cristian Rizea: Exactly. I want to thank these officers, who love their homeland. These people really made a pact with the Romanian state and not with their personal pockets like Florian Coldea and Adrian Ciorcîrlan. These people really think of the citizens of Romania. And we have hope. I ask the Romanians to join me in my efforts to rid Romania of these scandals, which made fun of all Romanians and the budget of this country. For the first time that I put them today, after today’s episode ends, I will post them on Facebook, so that the whole country can see them. This is the first time that someone … a politician, a former politician says things by name and presents evidence, but what evidence. Top secret documents, from where? From the SRI military unit, which awarded auctions on the conveyor belt to Sebastian Ghita or his intermediaries. You will see dizzying sums and once and for all you will understand why Sebastian Ghita is sitting quietly in Belgrade. I’ll show you the first page, Anca, it has 17 pages. All Romanians will see them today after we’re done, I’ll scan them and put them on Rizea’s Confession Facebook account. I invite you all to see the evidence. I also addressed the invitation to vuvuzelas in the press. It’s the original, I want you to read it. See the seal, see the military unit and see all Romanians the truth.

AA: This is a report from the SRI, from this military unit you are talking about, on a process for the award of a contract of 31 and a few million euros. I investigated, Cristian Rizea, you can take it off the screen. We will explain to our viewers This is that “big data” platform. That platform that made rivers of ink flow in the Romanian press. SRI offered some explanations. The auction started before Sebastian Ghita’s flight from Romania. But also before the departure of Florian Coldea. It is very important to specify these things. After these moments, SRI extended the time for awarding the contract. We do not know for what reasons – they explained that due to the complexity of this contract, the technical procedures. It is clear that those of the SRI have no way to change and cancel an auction, they cannot control who registers there, but who registers there can be controlled. It is very clear and not accidental Sebastian Ghita and the intermediaries through whom he created others signed up for that auction. We will explain to Romanians what this big data platform used to mean. Can you tell us how you obtained this document?

CR: I receive many documents that you will see in volume two. You’ll stay like this, mask, I hope. There are documents from the interior of the Romanian state, there are documents that attest to how much was stolen in Romania. And I thank you again, there are people that Romanians will never see, will never meet. There are people in the shadows who care about Romanians.

AA: It is a clear sign that we want a general cleaning and the interruption of these practices, which has been happening for years. There are all those smart guys, whom you nominated in your book, who have done fabulous business in all areas, based on these twists. They may be ticking your watch now. This is also why we take this step. Precisely to end these practices.

CR: With the help of the Romanians, with the help of Realitatea PLUS, whom I thank in this way. It is the only media institution that has had the courage to follow the path of truth. I hope that those who see this, the prosecutors do their job and do not stay with their heads down, like the ostrich. Wake up and see the truth. You will see documents that testify how much health was stolen, certifying that Sebastian Ghita also participated in health auctions, from CNAS. And all the huge profits he made coincide with the period when Victor Ponta was prime minister. What a coincidence, huh? When in 2012, a convinced liberal that we see in Brussels arrived at the health home of Busoi, there he won the UTI auction, the famous Urdăreanu, but Teamnet and the other company also participated, they did not sit idly by. chest. But they let UTI win.

AA: I had this discussion with the former prosecutor Negulescu. We have the whole scheme, how the money came out.

CR: I’ll tell you the plan, I’m not a prosecutor, I don’t have Negulescu’s experience, but here in exile in Chisinau he made me a prosecutor in the meantime with the necessary appointments. And I say to those who have not understood. I’m glad that Mr. Negulescu made that clear. The gentlemen who did so, left UTI, agreed with him or with SIVECO or others. I nominate them all, because I have them all documented. And they left it in this case. They gave 6 million to UTI, Mr. Urdareanu and he, later, made some fictitious invoices between two companies.

AA: There are Negulescu’s testimonies, he presented them on the program. I presented the scheme, including the scheme of how the money went.

CR: I want to tell the Romanians, Anca. They consider me a criminal, Romanians today consider me a criminal. And some who attack me through the Romanian press: the fugitive criminal. I repeat: I took out a loan guaranteed with two properties. The credit, I gave the money to Geoana, I lost the real estate, this is the deed for which I pay and I am in exile. These guys, on the other hand, with hundreds of millions of euros stolen, live in Belgrade, they live in Monaco, they live in spring and nobody bothers them.

Anca: What I want to ask you is something else. Today, when we speak, these methods seem to have been eliminated, the vast majority of those that appeared in public have been changed, as involved in these businesses. It seems that they no longer have power within the SRI and it seems that a cleansing is wanted. And those protocols that were talked about for years on the basis of which those files were made on request were they also cut? I would like it to be very clear when you see these things! Let’s make a distinction!

CR: We make a distinction. We cannot mix them all because they will not all be put in the same pot, as the Romanian says.
