Gheorghe Piperea: Alertness is not provided for in the Constitution! We will have even tougher measures – News by sources


Lawyer Gheorghe Piperea points out that imposing a state of alert is “a scandal in itself” because it does not exist in the Constitution, and the measures that will be imposed on the population could be harsher than those of the state of emergency.

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“The state of alert at the national level is a scandal in itself, because it allows similar or even harsher measures than those of the state of emergency.”
Alertness is not provided for in the Constitution.
The state of emergency is established in the Constitution, but it is accompanied by conditions of applicability and restrictions.
These state of emergency limits are “elegantly” omitted when declaring a nationwide state of alert that coincides with a state of emergency, except for the name …
Don’t you like the “loyalty” to the Constitution and the “special respect” for the individual rights and freedoms of the government that claims to be liberal, that is, linked to individual rights and freedoms?
Are not the measures taken and the restrictions imposed by such a coherent, loyal and respectful government of law, justice and morality credible?

I have come to believe that imposing a state of emergency or alert to combat a much less severe pandemic like the Spanish flu or the Hong Kong flu is a sign of a weak or captive state of the combined interests of global corporations and secret militias . There were states, such as Germany, the Czech Republic or Sweden, that did not establish a state of national emergency and did better than the rest of the states. The irony is that the justification for the state of emergency was not the high virality or mortality of covid-19, but the inability of national health systems to cope with the wave of diseases and the chronic lack of funds, more precisely, the unreported bankruptcy of hospitals. Where does this disability come from, since everywhere in “civilized” countries or in Romania mountains of money are paid as health insurance? Maybe due to lack of managerial skills or just stupidity and malice (note that you remember the elderly in nursing homes in Italy, literally let them die by doctors, nurses and nurses, who fled to defend themselves) covid skin-19)? Perhaps due to the continuous and irresponsible privatization of the health system?
What is certain is that, in Romania, the hospitals were not crowded. There are doctors who complain of inactivity, while their chronic or scheduled patients for surgery and various medical or physiotherapeutic procedures die for days at home and while hospitalized (even forcibly) asymptomatic, something unique in the history of the medicine. and on the moon
Weak individuals, professional failures, but with authoritarian temptations and dictatorial sympathies thundered and appeared on television, from the “height” of their position in committees and emergency commissions, that they have no tools to fight the plague killer (not too much ), in this its category includes infractions and unconstitutionally regulated alert status. The population, permanently and assiduously inserted in the vicious circle of fear and hatred towards others, all suspected of infection, as well as the opposition, voluntarily entered this game of the clumsy and impotent clown, but convincing in their act lost by the circus of two consistent lei, cica, in saving the nation from destruction by covid-19.

This is what this public debate is about in relation to the state of alert, which is a state of emergency with another name, imposed indefinitely, without going through the Constitution, “writes Gheorghe Piperea.
