Germany’s chief virologist says he knows when to get rid of COVID-19


Romanian epidemiologist Anamaria Dobrotă is of the same opinion: the world epidemiological situation will stabilize when herd immunity is achieved.

Currently, 8 vaccines are being developed, in the final stage. Another 200 are in clinical trials. Soumya Swaminathan, WHO’s chief investigator, says that several hundred million doses of vaccine will be available by the middle of next year. So the 170 countries enrolled in the program will be able to receive some of them.

Due to lack of funds, the researcher predicts that by the end of 2021 alone the vaccine will be available only to about 2 billion people. Up to 70% of the population needs to develop immunity before we see a drastic reduction in the transmission of this virus, says the WHO chief investigator, who also points out that it is not known how long these vaccines will protect, exactly how long the duration will last. immunity. after its administration.

What is certain is that researchers are making enormous scientific efforts to have a much-desired vaccine as soon as possible.


September 23, 10:50 PM
