Germany enters a partial lockdown throughout November. France is expected to announce similar measures


France and Germany announce new quarantine measures against the coronavirus. Germany will enter a partial lockdown during November, with bars and restaurants closed, but schools will continue to operate. France is also expected to announce new restrictions on Wednesday night.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on Wednesday with the Länder to introduce new restrictions against the epidemic, including closing bars and restaurants and halting cultural and sporting activities indoors, to try to stop the continued rise in COVID-cases. 19, according to Reuters. DPA and EFE, absorbed by Agerpres.

“The number of new infections has doubled in a week. We must act now.”said the head of government in Berlin, warning that the situation is “very serious” and that Germany is facing a community transmission of the virus, in the event that three-quarters of the newly infected people cannot know from whom it was contracted. the virus.

“Our healthcare system today can still meet this challenge, but at the current rate of infections it will reach the limits of its capabilities within a few weeks.”Merkel also warned.

Germany: restrictions in November

The new restrictions, applicable as of November 2, also provide for limiting meetings to a maximum of 10 people from two different households.

Restaurants, bars, theaters, cinemas, fitness rooms and swimming pools will be closed and concerts will be canceled.

The public is also urged to avoid non-essential travel. Overnight stays in hotels will only be allowed for necessary business trips and tourist trips are prohibited.

The aim of these tough measures, but not as restrictive as in the spring, when nonessential shops and schools were closed, is, according to Merkel, to limit the economic effects as much as possible and to keep schools and kindergartens open.

The chancellor also announced a new emergency aid program worth ten billion euros for companies affected by the anti-epidemic restrictions.

In the last 24 hours, Germany has registered 14,964 new cases of COVID-19 and 85 deaths, still keeping the rate of infections and deaths below that of many neighboring countries.
