Gabriela Szabo snapped: ‘I am saddened by the latest government decision. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we will pay the children to go to the theater, to school ‘- News from sources


Former athlete Gabriela Szabo criticized the government’s ordinance to provide financial support in the form of a voucher to support children in the practice of high-performance sports, a project that “is not sustainable, in the medium or long term,” in her opinion. The general manager of the SCM Bucharest club considers that other methods would have been more suitable for attracting children to sport.

“I am saddened by the latest government decision, we will be the only country in the world that pays children to come to sports! Regardless of whether it is disguised as team vouchers …

Some practical and more relevant solutions would be:

– the government to allocate money to sports clubs in the country for the purchase of sports materials, equipment.

– the government to contribute funds so that Romanian athletes can be sent to national competitions. Our athletes are supported to perform almost exclusively by local authorities.

We live in interesting times, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow we will pay the children to go to the theater, to school, etc.

In conclusion, the project is not sustainable in the medium or long term. Children are not raised with rewards or punishments … here we are talking about EDUCATION. Education through sports, ”wrote Szabo, former Minister of Youth and Sports, on Facebook on Friday.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Ionuţ Stroe, announced on Thursday that the Government adopted by emergency ordinance the granting of economic support in the form of a voucher to support children in the practice of competitive sports.

These are vouchers of 300 lei each that will be used for the first identification of a child in a sports club.

“Today the Government adopted by emergency ordinance the granting of economic support in the form of a voucher to encourage and support children in the practice of performance sports. It is a measure, an urgent government intervention in favor of raising and motivating the largest possible number of children. country to practice sports in a controlled, safe and organized regime, precisely because there is this need at the level of sports clubs and entities in Romania and to train a future generation of athletes. Unfortunately now the number of children who play sports in a legitimate regime is The importance of this support that we provide in the form of this 300 lei voucher for the first identification of a child in a sports club lies mainly in increasing the selection base for the future performance sport. This voucher can provide the first team or the first conditions to guarantee this physical activity. Obviously, there are social benefits, sport should be seen as a form of education, “said Stroe.

He indicated that the program will begin on the date of publication of the ordinance in the Official Gazette and that the goal for the end of the year is 30,000 vouchers: “The program will begin on the date of publication of this ordinance in the Official Gazette, within Ten days the MTS will issue and The voucher will be nominative, non-transferable, it can be obtained only once, a simple request that the minor, once legitimized in the sports club can make to send this request to the regional address, then MTS , to make these vouchers available that can be used by children within six months of acquisition.For the first phase of this program, for the last months of this year, we are aiming for a goal of 30,000 vouchers worth 300 lei each “And we also have availability for next year.”
