Gabriela Firea announces that students suspected of COVID-19 will NOT be isolated: ‘We eliminate panic, chaos, we scare families’ – News by sources


The Mayor General of the Capital, Gabriela Firea, PSD candidate for a new term, believes that the new school year begins with great concern and criticized the current Government for not being able to purchase tablets for students. Firea says that in Bucharest educational units are ready to receive students and that both children and teachers will be able to get tested for COVID – 19 within a project of the General City Council of the Capital, points out.

“We are in a very difficult year, from various points of view and the greatest joy of the students, I remember, was starting school, after a well-deserved vacation. Now school starts with great concern, both from parents and grandparents and I am convinced that the children are very well informed. Therefore, we can only work to take the necessary measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus, see what has happened throughout Europe, what methodologies other cities apply and apply them in Bucharest and throughout the country. Unfortunately, we are a unique case in Europe, namely, the Government has not distributed the promised masks to children from low-income families. Not only in Europe, around the world, governments have been very involved in the safe start of the school year, handing out tablets, again a broken promise, because 250,000 have been promised and they have not come. It was reported from the Government that an auction will be organized, only in December, for only 70,000. Basically, the school begins with many questions, from the point of view of the logistics necessary to provide distance education, because, I also found out in the country, most schools practice the hybrid system, ”said Gabriela. Nature, on Antena 3, Thursday night.

Regarding the Capital, the mayor general says that the mayors of the Sector were in charge of buying the necessary tablets for the students, and the General Mayor’s Office made sure that the students are ordered every morning.

“In Bucharest we had a Command to start schools with Sector mayors, deputy mayors, managers, teachers, other teachers, we established a set of measures, the schools are in the administration of Sectors, but the City Council of the Capital supports with logistics, where be necessary. Most of the Sectors, through the care of the mayors, have already bought electronic tablets, for children who have not received this tool from home work, for very low-income families. all also provided protective masks. We provide essential things, that is, triage every morning at the entrance of the school, through the medical offices of the school, ”said Firea.

Gabriela Firea also says that although many of her opponents say that she did nothing, medical or dental schools have been established in Bucharest schools.

“There is a success now, that is, Gabriela Firea did nothing. She did nothing to be recognized by people who had no good faith at all. Many things have been done, of course I want many things done, but here is an example to follow, in Bucharest there were not even a third of the schools equipped with medical and dental offices. We currently have nearly 300 clinics of this type that were established during my tenure and 150 dental clinics where free medical treatments and procedures are performed for students, as well as high school and college students, ”Firea also declared.

Regarding the students detected with symptoms of COVID – 19, during the courses, Firea says that the Government’s plan was not accepted, that of isolating the student for two – three days in a hospital, to carry out the test, so in the Capital, this test can be performed in the school’s medical office, in the presence of the parents.

“We eliminate panic, chaos, family fright and when there is a situation, the child is tested immediately, the father is notified and of course the mother, father or child together, accompany the student to the doctor’s office for a test in a few hours find out the answer. In this way, these negative feelings that can appear due to isolation 2-3 days in the hospital are eliminated. We have already written this project, we have prepared the infrastructure and offices that can do up to 5,000 tests a day for teachers and students. Teachers will be evaluated before the start of the school year, but also later, every two weeks because this is normal and this is the incubation period, ”said Firea.

Gabriela Firea also spoke about the testability of students and teachers.

“We have a testing capacity for 250,000 students, and for teachers we have prepared between 17,000 and 20,000 tests that they must take at the beginning of the school year,” said the mayor of the capital.
