Gabriela Firea acts as Dragnea, Nicușo Dan as a lawyer with symbiosis


Gabriela Firea acts as Liviu Dragnea with her Teleorman team, she insists enormously on convincing the people of Bucharest that she is fine in the city she is taking him to and she does so through miles of advertising for the Bucharest City Hall, while Nicușor Dan, his opponent, wanted an eccentric campaign, but it was small and quite reactionary, and in the scandal in which he was involved in recent days he acted “like a lawyer with symbiosis,” commented journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu, on Friday at night, on Digi24. , in an analysis he made of the two candidates for the Bucharest City Council.

Candidate Gabriela Firea. CTP: Why is this announcement being made? With whom does the City Council of the capital compete?

“Mrs. Firea does exactly what Mr. Dragnea with his Teleorman team: the first concern, when he came to power, raised the people of Teleorman. Teleorman is called, in the case of Mrs. Firea, Voluntari and his circle of characters, whether they are family or friends, neighbors of friends, etc. Like the Dragnea PSD, Ms Firea is very insistent, and not on her money, to tell us how good we are in Bucharest, but we are not! We realize! It was a real streak, a torrent, which continues even now in the electoral campaign, (…) all those kilometers of commercials with the Capital City Hall on the corner, which has been flooding the screens for so long, that’s why he wanted to tell us how good we are.; He did not let us see, these of us, who live in the city and live here every day: will it be good, will it be bad? No! It is good, because that is what I tell you, with money from the City Council budget!

Not seeing reality, not seeing the facts, what is happening in Bucharest, around us, means being part of that city that Caragiale imagined in the year 3000 and something like that -it is a SF prose from Caragiale- and he called it Tâmpitopole.

In Nastase’s time, newspapers were advertised at Otopeni airport.

Let’s get to the heart of the matter. An advertisement appears with the City Hall of the capital, which builds palaces, bridges, viaducts. But why is this announcement being made? With whom does the City Council of the capital compete? With the Ilfov City Council, with the Ploiești City Council? Do we have two mayoralties in the Capital?

There is only one City Hall in the Capital, since, in the “golden age” of Mr. Nastase, when he was Prime Minister, advertisements with Otopeni airport reached the newspapers. Fly with planes from Otopeni airport! As if Otopeni airport competes with another international airport. Or with CFR. Ride CFR trains! At the time, these were not private railways. So, the Capital City Hall is Otopeni Airport. Who can compete with the City Council of the capital? Do you have the possibility to change, to take another institution, the Capital City Council, other than that of Elisabeta Blvd.? Not! And so? Who is this commercial for? For the Mayor General, who is competing with her opponents! The General City Council does not compete with anyone.

So it’s the same grotesque absurdity from PSD that I remember very well. The logical vice is this: that the municipalities have no competition.

I do not find anything positive in the activity of Mrs. Firea, because I live in the city of Bucharest.

Those who have been living for 30 years with the illusion that “we are given”

(Claudiu Pândaru: Polls show that Ms Firea still enjoys the trust of many Bucharest residents. How do you explain this?)

These people probably live in a city other than this increasingly stinking city of exhaust gases, dust, the smell of landfills and everything that happens in this city, of this traffic that you are crazy now, at least, when they started the schools.

It is the same situation that was four years ago on these fundamental issues for the city.

Instead, what does Ms. Firea do? Dealing with trials! She takes exams in every neighborhood in Bucharest, now she also goes to school. Who asked you to do this job? It wasn’t her job, it was the job of the Ministry of Health, the DSPs, the specialized hospitals. Why are you doing that? Very simple: because that way you can give something.

These people who vote for Ms. Firea and who vote for the PSD in general are people who live with the illusion that something is being given to them. For 30 years I have lived with the illusion that “it is given to us.” Otherwise, you can’t, if you have some discernment, reason, you look around you, you can’t help but notice all this steam.

Candidate Nicusor Dan. CTP: You don’t care who you’re begging for ?!

Nicușor Dan tried to make an eccentric, less common campaign, going out into the landscape, in the landscape, in the street, at the tram station, in Prelungirea Ghencea, but of course, the breadth of Nicușor Dan’s election campaign was very reduced in compared to that of Ms Firea. On the contrary, Mr. Dan reacted together with members of NLP and USR. I saw that they went to PSD headquarters to put up posters on the doors.

But Mr. Nicușor Dan did NOT react adequately, from a moral point of view, in this case that arose, which was brought to the public (an audio recording with Nicușor Dan calling an advisor of a sector mayor to intervene in case demolition of a restaurant entrepreneur – no).

Nicușor Dan continues to claim, even now, that a man running for mayor of the capital, a man who is vice president of an NGO, a man who has campaigned on moral standards for the past 10 to 15 years in political life of the capital and the country can behave like a paid lawyer.

Sir. Nicusor Dan speaks like a lawyer with symmetry in this case. This does not mean that I accuse Mr. Nicușor Dan of taking bribes, as PSD does. I don’t know why he did what Mr. Nicusor Dan did.

It’s about morality

But claiming that he intervened because that person, that bişniţman, to “do him justice”, so as not to demolish that hardughia restaurant plus a villa built in the Pueblo de los Niños and say that he won in court – because some articles corroborated with … this letter of the law was not respected, knowing well the lawyers, managed to get this decision to annul the demolition of the court – without Mr. Nicușor Dan seeing who the person is, how he obtained the authorization, from whom he obtained it, where the building is built – in a green space, in a park – says: “I’m not interested in these things! I had a case. “

You know, that’s what the lawyers say, for money (…). Sir. Nicușor Dan wants to be treated as a lawyer, the one who wants to represent change, the moralization of society, the way out of the mud we have been in for 30 years. Do you want to be voted as a lawyer? Well, as mayor of the Capital, do you have to be a very good lawyer, without being interested in the case you are defending?

Where is the rigor of a mathematician?

Speaking of which, he got the opposite, from bad to worse. He put on the same plane, proving stupid against the PSD guy, those poor people, some thrown into the streets (when Uranus Blvd. in the Berza area widened – no) saying that he also intervened on their behalf. We are by no means in a park, with a pub and a villa built by Mr. Dog! They were citizens who could have been put in an inhumane situation. He puts them on the same plane and is asked: have you had a case like this before?

Sir. Little Dan is a mathematician. To give me such a demonstration of that question, I don’t know how to kiss that with mathematical rigor. And here it’s not just about math, it’s about something more serious: it’s about morality. Sir. Nicușor Dan, before going to bed, does not believe that that building was expanded there, in the park, in the children’s green space, it was expanded with the permission of a certain Piedone, who was sentenced to eight and a half years for what he did in the Collective case. Now he comes out with gloves, candidate for Mayor of Sector 5 and with the slogan Be careful who you vote for, don’t get burned! No FRIENDS, says this individual, who also gave an authorization, as in the case of the Dog, as a result of which so many people died ”.

At the beginning of the comment, Cristian Tudor Popescu stated that he cannot reveal who he is voting with, but he will certainly NOT vote with Gabriela Firea. He also ended his speech by saying that people who are satisfied with how the Capital is and how things are going in Bucharest now simply do not go to the polls, because it means that they do not want anything to change and want to keep it. Actual state. On the contrary, the people of Bucharest who want a change in the Capital should go to the polls in the elections on September 27.
