FUENTES PNL leaves Cătălin Predoiu without service: leaves Justice, but stays with Finance – News from sources


PNL would have been willing to give up the Justice portfolio of the future Executive in favor of USR-PLUS, but not Finance, party sources told News.ro. Also other ministries that liberals would like are Defense, Foreign Affairs, Economy, Interior, Development and Transport.

Among the ministries that PNL would like to occupy are the Ministry of Finance, Defense, Transportation, Interior, Economy and Energy, and Foreign Relations. At the same time, in the context in which the PNL has 1,500 mayors, it would like to occupy the Ministry of Development, added the cited sources.

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Instead, the Liberals would be willing to give up the Ministry of Justice in favor of USR-PLUS, although Cătălin Predoiu wants to continue at the helm of this portfolio, sources from PNL also told News.ro.

Rareş Bogdan MEP could be willing to accept the internal portfolio, if necessary.

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Ludovic Orban aspires to the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, but if USR-PLUS forces Dan Barna to assume the leadership of the Chamber, then the leader of the PNL could propose him the post of Deputy Prime Minister in the new Government most possibly the head of the Senate. belongs to Radu Mihail, the mentioned sources also specified.

The PNL would also be willing to give up Health, if the USR-PLUS Alliance necessarily wants the portfolio for Vlad Voiculescu, as well as the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Sports, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Culture .

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In the context of the negotiations that will take place between the three parties that want to form the governing coalition, USR would like Dan Barna to be president of the Chamber of Deputies or deputy prime minister, party sources told News.ro. In addition, the party does not exclude that the leadership of the Senate is assumed by the current leader of the USR senators, Radu Mihail. The USR-PLUS alliance is not very happy with the idea of ​​having only 5-6 ministries in the future Executive and will insist on having at least one advisory ministry: Justice, Finance, European Funds or Development.

The representatives of the UDMR would like to have 2 or 3 ministries in the future Executive, party sources told News.ro. The Union will also discuss the modification of the Resilience and Recovery Plan to include measures for the development of Transylvania, in the sense of developing the rail and road infrastructure, as well as the development of the rural area, added the cited sources. UDMR will also insist on environmental priorities and support for farmers.

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PNL validated in BPN on Wednesday night that Ludovic Orban should be supported at the head of the Chamber of Deputies, and Florin Cîţu should be the prime minister’s proposal that will be submitted to consultations in Cotroceni.

The first vice president of the PNL, Rareş Bogdan, declared on Wednesday that there will be a maximum of 18 ministries in the future government, and the PNL will propose in the negotiations with USR-PLUS and UDMR to follow the percentages obtained in the parliamentary elections, that is, the Liberals to have 10 or 11 ministers, the Alliance have 5-6 ministers, and the Union should have two ministers.

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Negotiations between PNL, USR-PLUS and UDMR will continue in the coming days, with Thursday morning being the first meeting of the leaders of the three parties, and President Klaus Iohannis also participated in the first part of the meeting.

The head of state invited the parliamentary parties to consultations in the Cotroceni Palace to appoint the future prime minister, on Monday, December 14, the Presidential Administration transmitted this Thursday. The first party to talk to the head of state is PSD, followed by PNL, the USR-PLUS Alliance, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), the UDMR and national minorities.

Also read: Cozmin Gușă blames Traian Băsescu, for the failure of the PMP in the elections! “Find the culprit.”
