FSLI: “Schools will close and classes will be held in red writing, online”


The explosion of disease cases in more and more schools in Romania will cause the closure of more and more schools, reports the Federation of Free Trade Unions for Education (FSLI).

“The Federation of Free Trade Unions of Education draws the attention of all state institutions responsible for the correct conduct of the instructional-educational process in educational institutions in Romania that We run the risk of getting stuck! The explosion of disease cases with the new coronavirus registered in more and more schools in Romania leads us to a situation that the government should have anticipated: schools will close and classes will take place on the red stage, respectively, in the online environment. Unfortunately, even at this time, after the first week of the new school year, the schools were not equipped with the necessary infrastructure: many localities lack tablets for students and teachers, as well as the schools’ Internet connection. Under these conditions, courses cannot be carried out, and students are violated a fundamental right, that of benefiting from access to education “ according to the statement sent by FSLI.

The teachers union estimates that hundreds of thousands of students are at risk of not being able to attend online courses.

“The Federation of Free Trade Unions believes that in the absence of a national government program to provide equipment for students and teachers, hundreds of thousands of students will not be able to attend school online. The hope that local authorities will provide this equipment is because Few have the necessary funds, and the option for schools to carry out projects, through which to buy equipment, is also utopian. We also draw attention to the fact that in other countries, such as Germany, courses have been completed. in good condition, due to the application of a COVID-19 test system at educational institutions level. In this way, cases of sick people and isolated from the rest of the school population were detected “, is specified in the FSLI statement.

The Federation of Free Trade Unions in Education requests the participation of the Government in the resolution of the legislative loopholes through which teachers and students can become victims of the coronavirus.

The Romanian Government, as well as the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Health must be involved to remedy the legislative gaps in the protection of children and employees suffering from various diseases and which can make them victims of the new coronavirus. the fact that, in the current context, Romanian teachers are at the forefront of exposure to COVID-19 “ according to the FSLI press release.

The president of the teachers’ union, Simion Hăncescu, emphasizes that due to the lack of preparation of the state institutions, many schools become epidemiological bombs.

“Unfortunately, we anticipate this pessimistic scenario: many of the schools are becoming epidemiological bombs, because state institutions have not done their job, although they have had months to implement a well-developed plan of measures by In this context, it should be accelerate the purchase of tablets for students and teachers, in addition to solving Internet access, because there are schools that still do not have this facility.: in many of the schools we are preparing for the application of the red scenario, in which the courses will be held online, but I have a feeling that the rulers are in a state of numbness, probably thinking only of local and parliamentary elections. I can understand the situation of the last school year, because it was unprecedented in the whole world and appeared from the overnight, but in many countries, r leaders have learned from the past, they are not looking for solutions now with lethargy “said the leader of the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Education, quoted in the statement.
