Fruits and vegetables that help you lose weight.


There are foods that satisfy your hunger, stop your craving for sweets and revitalize your metabolism. What you need is a menu that helps you lose weight, rich in valuable nutrients, but not jeopardizing your health.

A study of a sample of more than 133,000 people over 4 years shows that increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables on the daily menu helps you lose weight.


Warm lemon water seems to be a miracle solution to maintain your health and figure. Drinking on an empty stomach has strong diuretic properties. Activate your metabolism and help your body detoxify. And these effects are also felt on the scales.


Watermelon contains 90% water and has dietary and diuretic properties. The watermelon diet helps you lose weight in record time, but it is also a detox treatment the body needs.


Fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw or cooked, so prepared, they will speed up metabolism and burn fat. Also, in the diet, it is not recommended to combine meat with potatoes or rice with the same food.


Apples are ideal in diets and are considered negative calorie foods. The body consumes more calories to metabolize an apple than the calories it contains. Apples also contain substances with an activating and accelerating role in weight loss processes.


Cucumber is not only a tasty and refreshing food, but also an important source of vitamin C, the substance that keeps your skin shiny and healthy. It is also a perfect ingredient for a weight loss diet.

Proteins you can rely on in your diets are Greek yogurt, eggs, salmon, chicken, shrimp, chickpeas.

You can gain weight by eating corn, peas, and potatoes. These vegetables contain less fiber and have a high glycemic level. This means that I bring sugar to my blood to feed my appetite as soon as possible.


Parsley has miraculous properties, is an excellent ally of the kidneys, fights urinary problems and is a powerful diuretic. In addition, parsley helps lose weight. Parsley tea helps you lose extra pounds in no time.


A study shows that of all foods, potatoes are the most fattening. Therefore, an extra serving of potatoes, whether cooked, fried, or baked, can put on more weight than a cup of sweet drink or a serving of red meat. Eating potato steak is also not recommended.

Sunflower seeds are placed on top of the healthiest foods and can effectively contribute to the success of a diet. If you are on a diet and are anxious to lose extra pounds faster, trust a diet with sunflower seeds.

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