“From top to bottom”, but we have great suspicions and little confidence in the words of Ludovic Orban


Traian Băsescu commented on Digi24 about the announcement made by Ludovic Orban about a collaboration project between PNL and PMP at the level of town halls and county councils. The former president admits that this is an objective of the PMP, but assures that a possible collaboration cannot be done under any conditions, but “from top to bottom.” “Doing it only where it suits them, and where not, no … it doesn’t work!” Said Băsescu. The former president assures that he is not joking when he says this, since the PMP already has “great suspicions and little confidence in the word of Ludovic Orban.”

Traian Basescu: It is your business. I’ll tell you what PMP thinks. You will make alliances everywhere with NLP, if you accept this. Otherwise, the PMP will capitalize the votes it received.

From a political point of view, our offer is simple, clear, blunt. If PNL wants an alliance with PMP, it does it from top to bottom. To do it only where it suits them and where it doesn’t, no … it doesn’t work.

Either we apply the same principle from top to bottom, or else each one sees his own path. And when I say that, I’m not kidding.

“From top to bottom”, I understand from town halls to provincial councils, town halls, everywhere. PMP is not a cloak for bad weather, where it suits them. Either we follow the principle proposed by the PMP – an alliance – and the first option in the local administration is to support the mayor of the PNL, or to support the president of the PNL of the CJ, or, if they say “yes, but here, yes, here, no, we are interested here, we are not interested here … ”, then we see the other’s business, that we are not a raincoat to wear only when you need it.

The goal, for now, is to form an alliance with NLP. If they are going to be right and they will not do to us what they did on the premises, in Bucharest, when 7 days before the presentation of the lists they informed us that there is no longer an alliance …

We already have great suspicions and little confidence in the words of Ludovic Orban. At the first test that it remains the same inconsistent, we see our way.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
