Free from coronavirus for months, Wuhan welcomed the new year with huge crowds on the streets


Large crowds erupted in the middle of the Chinese city of Wuhan at midnight, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year affected by the coronavirus pandemic that killed thousands and led to the city’s quarantine from late January to early April. reports Reuters.

According to tradition, people gathered in the Hankow area, one of the most popular places in the city. When the clock struck midnight, the crowd launched balloons into the air.

There were significant police forces at the scene who tried to maintain order and called people’s attention to wearing a mask if they wanted to stay for the festivities.

The festivities came 12 months after the World Health Organization (WHO) first announced the presence of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, which later became known as the first global outbreak of Covid-19. A team of WHO experts is scheduled to arrive in China this month to investigate the origins of the pandemic.

Wuhan has been virtually coronavirus-free for months, but a recent increase in cases in several Chinese cities, including Beijing, has reminded people in Wuhan that the pandemic is not over.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
