France and Italy again break records for new Covid-19 cases, but approach the situation differently


France and Italy have once again broken records in new cases of COVID-19. However, officials from the two countries approach the situation differently.

Paris has introduced a partial quarantine overnight, while Italian officials say such a drastic measure cannot be returned.

In turn, more than 28 million Britons have been living since Saturday with restrictions designed to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

And the United States has more than 60,000 illnesses a day, for the first time since August.

Italy has seen a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases, with almost 11,000 infections confirmed yesterday, a new black record for the Peninsula. In total, since the start of the pandemic, we have been talking about more than 400,000 patients. However, authorities say the situation is under control.

“We are not in a dramatic situation, only 638 infected Italian citizens are in intensive care. We are far from having chaos in the ATI units, we are facing a second wave that has very different characteristics from the first, ”says a doctor.

The French quietly passed the first night of partial quarantine. As in spring, no one can leave the house between 9:00 and 6:00 in the morning. The exceptions are people going to or returning from work and those with a medical emergency. For tourists, the measure is a problem.

The restrictions are valid for one month and are aimed at more than 20 million people in the Paris region and in the metropolitan areas of the largest cities in France.

Across the ocean, the psychological threshold of 8 million illnesses has been surpassed. In New Mexico, for example, the number of new cases has doubled in the past two weeks.

On Saturday, nine US states broke their own record for new patients overnight. And for the first time since August, the country has passed the threshold of 60,000 positive tests.

Meanwhile, disappointing data has emerged on Remdesivir, the drug President Donald Trump received and the only one explicitly authorized in the United States to treat COVID-19. According to the World Health Organization, it has little or no effect on the mortality of hospitalized patients.

The best news comes from Pfizer, which has announced that it will seek emergency clearance for the vaccine it is developing in mid-November if test results remain favorable.
