Although she returned to Blăgești, Vulpița did not forget her fans, so she posted everything on social media. Veronica posted a video with her and Viorel on Instagram, adding to the description: “Grape picking,” writes

Vulpița and Viorel became thrifty people. Since leaving the Direct Access sets, the two of them have got down to business and intend to make a home like a book. In one of her most recent vlogs, Vulpița showed everyone what a homemaker she is.

What is Vulpița doing in Blăgești?

He presented his garden, which he cultivated on his own, and announced that he would not stop here.

“Let me show you my garden, I have everything, apples … Anything you want, come to the Zorro orchard. I can’t go in now because it’s closed. I also put up an electric fence, gentlemen. If you come at night, you annoyed me. I invite you to cherries, apples, walnuts, everything you want. Come on, I’m kissing you and I’m waiting for you ”said Vulpița, in her vlog.

After eight months of all kinds of adventures, some of which were more fun or embarrassing depending on how viewers viewed them, Vulpița and Viorel returned home to Blăgești. The series whose protagonists were for almost a year ended, and the two were left with only the fame and notoriety they gained due to the program.

Their lives are not the same as before the show’s moderator announced the ending. Neighbors no longer look at them the same as before, when they were just two anonymous people.

The villagers did not forget about Zorra’s love affairs, or the situations in which she appeared and made fun of herself, so it is no wonder they look at her wryly or gossip around her in the corners. In addition, Veronica’s mother-in-law reproached her for spending more time in Bucharest and for not caring about her little girl’s fate, especially since she started going to kindergarten.

Under these conditions, it will take a while for the world to forget what happened in the eight months that the story of the two Vaslui spouses lasted on television and until their lives return to normal, as they were before.