Formula 1 driver Fernando Alonso, hit by a car while riding a bicycle


Fernando Alonso, double Formula 1 world champion, had an accident in Switzerland, being hit by a car while riding a bicycle, reports the BBC.

The Spaniard was hit by a car near his home in Lugano and allegedly had a broken jaw, according to some sources. They were going to take him to Bern, where there is a medical unit specialized in this type of fracture.

The driver, who returns to Formula 1 this year after a two-year absence, is conscious and feeling well, his Alpine F1 team said. He will undergo additional medical tests on Friday, Alpine says, without confirming whether Alonso is hospitalized.

The accident raises questions about whether Fernando Alonso will be ready to start the new Formula 1 season next month in Bahrain. The pre-competition tests would take place between March 12 and 14, and the first race from March 26 to 28.

Alonso, winner of 32 Grands Prix and world champion in 2005 and 2006, left Formula 1 at the end of 2018, after four seasons without results at McLaren. He missed the start of the competitive season once again, in 2015, when he suffered a preseason accident.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
