Formula 1 circuit in Romania? Meeting between Ion iaciriac and Bernie Ecclestone


“At one point, together with Ion Țiriac, we went to a race or a football match where we met the famous Bernie Ecclestone and discussed the subject of a Formula 1 race in Romania very seriously with him.”Tariceanu said, according to ProSport.

Where could the F1 Grand Prix of Romania be organized after iaciriac spoke to Ecclestone?

The politician also said where such a circuit could be built in the territory of our country.

“From a tourist point of view, it would be better for this circuit to be located somewhere closer to the western border, so that it can bring tourists from Hungary, Austria, Italy, from central Europe”Tariceanu also said.

Ion iaciriac’s plan failed! French press announcement: “This ambition, far from reality”

Ion Țiriac he desired The Madrid tourcompetition sponsored by the Romanian businessman, to be promoted to the state of Grand slaminstead Roland Garros.

The French of WeSportFR announce that the idea of ​​iaciriac has no chance of success and that it will not be able to replace the competition in Paris.

“This Madrid ambition to replace Roland Garros as the fourth Grand Slam now appears to be a far cry from reality.”

The tournament in Paris finally decided to equip itself with a roof to guarantee the continuity of the game even in bad weather. However, the Madrid tournament is undoubtedly a special presence on the calendar. “WeSportFR noted.

Tags: ion tiriac , bernie ecclestone , formula 1 circuit , formula 1 romania
