Former television host Emanuel Isopescu has died. I was 75 years old


Former television presenter Emanuel Isopescu passed away this Wednesday at the age of 75, an announcement made on Facebook by his daughter, Ioana Isopescu.

“One day I was talking to my good friend, Dr. A, who told me that a while ago, many years ago, he was at my father’s house, on Carol Knappe Street, on a huge grill, as he knew how to do and Along with other good people, of course, Lulu – as his friends called him – turned the girl with force, next to a wall with a plug and a switch, while turning to the little ones, Mr. Emanuel Isopescu. of each head of forage. ” Meanwhile, both the plug and the switch, they turned on, intermittently burned and flowed slowly against the wall. Little boy in an almost regal gesture, looks at the wall of resignation and declares unequivocally: “Ete na, ya! Let’s all go …. “Now it’s your turn, Mr. #ViataSatului and #urmariregeneral. Viii with viii How to say 3.08.1945-2.09.2020 Dad, bye …“wrote Ioana Isopescu.

In turn, TVR sports commentator Emil Hossu Longin published an emotional message on Facebook, shortly after learning of the death of Emanuel Isopescu.

“He is the one who started my career as a journalist in TVR, in Social, the man everyone knew, anywhere in Romania. He taught me a lot, gave me confidence and it shows. He was a boyar, an altruist, “An excellent journalist. He was my friend, comrade and table tennis partner. Goodbye boss, thank you very much for everything!” Hossu-Longin wrote on Facebook.

Former Romanian television chief and investigative journalist Emanuel Isopescu worked throughout his career at several major television stations and retired in 2011, according to Hotnews.
