Former Minister Bogdan Stanoevici, in serious condition at the hospital. With which nosocomial infection he would have contacted: “It attacks the intestinal flora”


Former Minister Bogdan Stanoevici, a well-known anti-mask activist, remains hospitalized after suffering from COVID-19. Several family members claim that Stanoevich contracted a hospital infection.

The former minister of Romanians everywhere, a candidate for the presidency, the mayor and the parliament, Bogdan Stanoevici is intubated in the intensive care unit of the St. Pantelimon Hospital in the capital.

Medical sources say he was hospitalized a month after becoming infected with coronavirus, and his condition has recently worsened, according to ProTV News.

The deterioration in his health appears to be due to a hospital acquired nosocomial infection.

The infection that aggravated Stanoevich’s condition is an in-hospital germ.

“I was telling you, 2 days ago, about the well-known actor and politician Bogdan Stanoevici, who is in the coma of his life. He defeated COVID but became infected with an in-hospital germ, Clostridium difficile. wrote Dr. Adina Alberts on her Facebook page.

In early November, Bogdan Stanoevich said he was not wearing a protective mask against the new coronavirus infection because he was “healthy.”

“To avoid further speculation and unnecessary attacks, I tell you now: the fact that I do not wear a mask is mainly because I am healthy. And here I quote the Minister of Health, who said that the mask is used by sick people, healthy people are not. I did a test every month, for different reasons.

All negative. On the other hand, I used it where I was forced to, because I am law abiding and have herpes. I’m so sorry I kicked you out of the house, but the moment I put the mask on, an infection was coming and I really don’t have time for infections right now, “Stanoevici said at the time.

Read also:

Former Minister Bogdan Stanoevich, a well-known anti-masking activist, is in a coma. Hospitalized for COVID, allegedly took a bacteria from the hospital
