Former Minister Bogdan Stanoevich, known as an anti-masking activist, has COVID-19 and is intubated.


Actor Bogdan Stanoevici, a former deputy minister for Romanians everywhere and a candidate for the Romanian presidency, is hospitalized in the “St. Pantelimon” Hospital in the capital, after contracting the coronavirus infection.

According to Antena 3 sources, Bogdan Stanoevici’s condition is not very good, as he is intubated.

“Bogdan Stanoevici is in ATI, intubated, at the Sfantul Pantelimon Hospital. Yesterday he was intubated, he had been ill for more than two weeks and now he is in a fairly serious condition, but the doctors are doing everything possible to cure him,” said sources cited by

In early November, Bogdan Stanoevich said he was not wearing a protective mask against the new coronavirus infection because he was “healthy.” “To avoid further speculation and unnecessary attacks, I tell you now: the fact that I do not wear a mask is mainly because I am healthy. And here I quote the Minister of Health, who said that the mask is used by sick people, healthy people are not. I use it every month, for different reasons, all negative, on the other hand, I used it where I was obliged to, because I am respectful of the law and I got a “I’m very sorry to get you out of home, but the moment I put the mask there will be an infection and I really don’t have time for infections right now, “Stanoevici said at the time.

At the same time, Bogdan Stanoevich said he was convinced that the virus was created in a laboratory. “This virus was created in the laboratory. There is no doubt about this situation. There is a patent registered in Paris and New York. This virus, being created in the laboratory, so it is not created in nature, is extremely dangerous” . because it supports many mutations. We are already in the ninth mutation of this virus. When a virus has several strains, as is the case with this COVID-19, it is obvious that there is no vaccine that can cover all these mutations, “said Bogdan Stanoevici.

Bogdan Stanoevici is 55 years old and was director of the Globus Circus (2007-2010), minister for Romanians everywhere in the Victor Ponta government, he ran in the 2019 presidential elections and in this year’s parliamentary elections he ran for the PER in Mures County.

Former Minister of Romanians Everywhere, Bogdan Stanoevici: “I don’t wear a mask because I’m healthy”
