Former director of the Israeli space security program: Aliens exist, we have contact with them. Why was Trump silent on this?


In an interview with Yediot Aharonot and taken over by the Jerusalem Post, Reserve General Eshed, 87, head of the Israeli space security program between 1981 and 2010, says that both his country and the United States have been in contact with aliens for years. .

Eshed claims that there is even a “Galactic Federation”. According to the reserve general, current cooperation between aliens and Americans also includes an underground base on Mars.

The former Israeli official also says that Donald Trump knows this and came very close to revealing the existence of the aliens, but the Galactic Federation did not allow him to do so.

According to Haim Eshed, the existence of aliens is kept secret because “humanity is not prepared” for such news.

The world needs to “evolve and reach a stage where we understand what space and spacecraft are,” he said.

Haim Eshed makes these statements on the occasion of his latest book on the subject. In his opinion, the world is better prepared now to accept the existence of aliens. “If I had come out five years ago and talked about it, I would have been hospitalized,” said the reserve general.

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