Forget Iraqi journalists. Lucian Mândruță: They kidnapped me! What happened to the star


The journalist Lucian Mîndruță spoke about his childhood, the village of his grandparents, as well as his personal life, the relationship he had with his parents. For a long time, Lucian Mîndruță was in the care of her maternal grandparents, as her parents had separated.

At one point, recalls the journalist, his father kidnapped him because he could no longer be separated from him.

“I was kidnapped by my father. My parents separated, my mother took me to the field and left me there with my grandparents. And their grandparents, being that way older, had a taboo: they slept at noon. I also played outside, in the yard, at noon ”, recalled Lucian Mîndruță.

The story continued, showing how his father appeared in front of the house, with a motorcycle with an accessory, and how he took him out of the yard and took him to Bucharest.

“Sure, the doors were closed, all I needed to do, I couldn’t go too far, but I was outside. And my father came, because he missed me so much because the judge had entrusted my mother to me, and he told me that Take it! He put me in an attachment, on a motorcycle, next to him, and took me to Bucharest, “said the journalist.

He said that after waking up, the grandparents were alarmed, called the Militia and declared him kidnapped. In the end, however, after being found by his father, things calmed down and everyone was reconciled.

Grandparents woke up, “Where is the baby, what happened?”, Kidnapped, phone calls, Militia, It is done. The case was covered up like that, that is, it gave me back “, Mîndruță also showed, in a Digi24 program.

As they called him as a child

After this incident, the journalist chose a nickname, “Robar”, which made him feel quite uncomfortable in front of others.

“It happened to me and for a long time I was a little embarrassed in my town because everyone said:” Look, that one from ‘Furatu’! ” It doesn’t sound very good that I was robbed, but actually I was robbed from the plot, from the courtyard of the house, “said Lucian Mîndruță.

This was not, however, the only child nickname of the well-known journalist. He also said that in his grandparents’ village they also called him Boțoroagă, because he was quite naughty and made a lot of jokes.

“They called me Boțoroaga because I was making jokes. I don’t know why in my commune it was unpleasant for a child. I used to make different edibles, different things …”, Lucian Mîndruță also said.

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This driver received the largest fine ever imposed in Romania. What could I do?
