Florin Piersic, on the eve of his 85th birthday: “Now, every birthday is a victory”


Florin Piersic, on the threshold of those 85 years: “Alike, every birthday is a win”.

The beloved actor Florin Piersic sent a letter to the public, on the occasion of his next anniversary.

In the next few days, Florin Piersic will turn 85. The beloved actor was born on January 27, 1936 in Cluj, Kingdom of Romania. A few days before the anniversary, the great actor sent a public letter to everyone who loves him. It’s about the viewers who saw him throughout his career. Those who enjoyed his performances saw him in theater and film roles, who applauded him and sent him “a sea of ​​flowers.”

The beloved actor sent his message through a post on his Facebook page.

Florin Piersic, on the threshold of those 85 years: “Alike, every birthday is a win

“Letter for you

It’s a bit longer and we are entering a great week for me, Florin. In a few days I will be 85 years old. You will know that I have never been reluctant to say my age. There are actors and especially actresses who seem to be born on February 29, so they age every four years.

In fact, if I think about it, each year is a victory, especially if it is lived beautifully, with hope, with joy. You will see when you get here, what I wish for you with all my heart!

Every year, the televisions, the press and especially you, the public celebrated me, pampered me, applauded me, and received a sea of ​​flowers, wonderful words and all your love, with gratitude.

In the theater, whatever happens in the life of the actors on stage, it is said: “The show must go on.” They have to be there, to get under the skin of their characters. To bring a smile to your soul, or a tear in the corner of your eye. This year, I was planning a different kind of reunion, because you know it has almost become a tradition to spend my birthday on stage, with you. I’ve been thinking about this a lot.

The actor postpones the celebration for next year

And now comes the big “But”. Children, there is too much sadness in the world. I recently lost a lifelong friend, Rocco-Grigore Rusu, who died of this bloody disease, and a wonderful partner of mine is now fighting between life and death for the same reason. I’ll tell you the truth: it seems a bit inappropriate for us to stick with the holidays.

And if we don’t see each other face to face, neither on stage nor on the small screen, that doesn’t mean that I love you less.

This year is the year of Aquarius, so I am convinced that wonderful things await us, just to get through this sad period.

PLEASE take care of yourself and those around you. Be nice to each other and next year, we have a celebration for 85 and 86 together! It is a promise!

I kiss you with love! “
