Firea and Pandele did not accompany their children to class on the first day of the school year


The information that appeared in public space about the fact that the mayors of Bucharest and Voluntari, wives Gabriela Firea and Florentin Pandele, accompanied their children in class on the first day of the school year is not confirmed, officially states, the Police Inspectorate of the Ilfov County. .

“Following verifications by the Ilfov police, it was established that the information appearing in the public space is not confirmed,” Chief Commissioner Anne-Marie Ciolca, a spokeswoman for LEI Ilfov, officially told

The thread of events

Monday September 14

The Mayor General Gabriela Firea published, on Monday, September 14, on the first day of school, a series of photographs on her Facebook page, in which she appears with her husband, Florentin Pandele, and their two children, in a class .

The photos published by Firea provoked a wave of negative reactions on his Facebook account, several parents criticized the fact that the mayor general violated a joint order of the Ministers of Education and Health, by which parents are prohibited from entering the school with students , as a measure to reduce the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of these negative reactions, Gabriela Firea deleted from Facebook the image in which she appears, together with her family, in the classroom.

Also on Monday, September 14, when contacted by G4Media, Gabriela Firea admitted that she entered the classroom and explained that she went there, on the morning of the first day of classes, before the other students and parents arrived, so she did not enter in contact with anyone. The mayor general also said that the morning visit to the school was due to the fact that, a few hours later, she would have had a medical appointment with her children, so she preferred to come to school before the other students and parents. Furthermore, Gabriela Firea also said that “all parents and young children have access (at school – no.)”, Which was denied by ISJ Ilfov representatives.

“Yes, all parents and young children have access, only in groups of 5, to carry textbooks. We went very early in the morning, because we had a doctor’s appointment with the little ones, no one had come to school yet. Interact with other parents or students. He wore masks inside. I took them off for 30 seconds to take a photo. “ Gabriela Firea told G4Media on Monday, September 14.

On Monday night, in a statement sent to, the Ilfov Police Inspectorate stressed that it began controls, after the appearance in the public space of the photographs in which the mayors Gabriela Firea and Florentin appear in the classroom Pandele, along with his children. .

Tuesday September 15

After the scandal over the school’s photography grew, Gabriela Firea returned on Tuesday, September 15 with a new statement, also on her Facebook page, in which she contradicts her own clarifications made only the day before. On this occasion, the mayor of Bucharest denies everything he said on Monday and assures that he did not understand and that he did not enter the classroom on the first day of classes.

“Let the Police come to investigate us! But let them come quickly! I see that at this stage the campaign has reached Bucharest! A serious silence due to the accurate proof that the deputy Dan Nicusor was trafficking influence for a thief, repeatedly, who illegally built a restaurant with a house, in a park.

All about me and my husband, who took a photo in a few seconds in a class, the day before classes started. Details below.

Nicusor Dan also admitted that he personally met Mitrache named Caine and his wife, and that he openly supports him to stay in the huge illegally constructed building in the green space.
Definitely for a fee!

As we used to see in your wealth statement “donations” from real estate entrepreneurs.
But no, it does not interest any institution or the press paid by the government and the PNL!
I am of great interest! Quick action! And fast communication!

Fact: On the afternoon of September 13, BEFORE starting school, I went with my husband to review the medical preparations for Monday morning, each in the schools of the city where he is mayor.

At 7.30 pm we stopped at a school to broadcast live on Romania TV. We also have WITNESSES: the RTV team, school employees, guards.

The children came in with us. I took a photo in 10 seconds. The next morning I posted a message of encouragement and a message for children, teachers and parents, illustrating the photos taken at night.

Everything was disinfected. On Monday, September 14, I did NOT enter classes!
The kids had a doctor’s appointment on Monday and I was there very early in the morning, before the other kids and parents came, just for textbooks. I DID NOT ENTER THE CLASSROOM ANYMORE! I also explained the situation yesterday, to whom he asked. But what was wanted was understood … not the truth! I say that the police will come first, to stop us! Ask the kids questions too! But urgent!

You have nothing to do with Nicusor! Hidden away at the start of the pandemic, he trafficked influence through telecommuting! He was lobbying city officials for his friend, the undercover Mitrache named Caine, known as a pimp and drug dealer. And illegal home and restaurant builder in the park! A bit! A piece of cake! Come with the photo! Very very good! Come on, arrest! “

Read also: Firea and Pandele investigated by Ilfov police after accompanying their children to class on the first day of school

Map of 2020 local elections. List of all candidates for county councils and mayors of the main cities of Romania
