Fire in “Matei Balş”. One nurse had the presence of mind to stop the oxygen supply, another threw a blanket (lawyer)


The nurses were the first to react when the fire broke out on Friday morning from “Matei Balş”, they made the first “contact” with the fire, and one of them had the presence of spirit to stop the oxygen supply, said the attorney. of the Institute, Constantin Durgheu. “If it didn’t stop (oxygen – no), we would have had an explosion,” added the lawyer, who was at the Capital Police, where several hospital employees were heard.

The investigation into the “Matei Balş” fire case is ongoing. Forensics and specialists from INSEMEX, the Petroșani institute that specializes in these cases, must inspect the affected rooms and several members of the medical staff were summoned to hearings.

“It just came to our knowledge then what happened ”, said lawyer Constantin Durgheu, specifying that they were the employees who had a direct connection with the event, those who were on the night shift, that is, two nurses and two nurses. He sheu gave statements as a witness.

“It is obvious that we cannot speak of the fault of the medical personnel, it is very clear that the reaction was prompt, it was a regrettable incident, the nurses were the first to come into contact with the fire, and one of them was present to put out the oxygen supply. If it didn’t stop, we would have had an explosion, “said the lawyer.

“Prior to reactionthat is to say was punctual, one of the nurses from jump with a blanket to put out the fire of the unfortunate patient, the other jumped to uncouple the oxygen installation, it is obvious that they had a quick reaction. So they both ran for fire extinguishers from the end of the hall“They were properly trained,” said the lawyer. “It was natural to get lost, but with all the stress, they reacted as appropriate as possible, “added Constantin Durgheu.

The prefect of the Capital, Traian Berbeceanu, declared this Friday in Digi24 that the firefighting facilities of the pavilion where the fire of the “Matei Bal incendio” Institute occurred worked and automatically disconnected the oxygen and electricity sources, avoiding a greater tragedy. He also said that according to his information the pavilion was recently renovated, the facilities were up to standard, and there were no heating problems.

Prosecutors from the Public Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Court opened a real criminal case for the commission of the crime of culpable homicide in the case of the fire of the Matei Balş Institute in the capital, which resulted in the death of five patients.

The “Matei Balş” Institute promises support in research

“After the prompt intervention of the comrades in the guard lines and the mobilization of the emergency authorities, other victims were prevented, so that all the other patients are safe. The team of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases„ Prof.Dr Matei Balș “will support the ongoing investigation and the clarification of the aspects that could have motivated the accident this morning, all the more so since the authorizations and approvals are up to date,” the medical institution transmitted in a statement.

All patients were evacuated and transported safely to other health units, as well as to other departments within the institute, the hospital announced. At the time of the fire, 101 patients were hospitalized, 5 of whom died. They were treated by 20 members of the medical staff during the night, including the chief doctor on duty.

The team of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases „Prof.Dr. Matei Balş ”sends his condolences to the families of the victims of the accident on the morning of January 29 in a statement.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
