Fire at the FCSB sports base in Berceni. One person died and two others were injured.


A fire occurred overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday at the FCSB sports base in Berceni. Several trucks intervened, announces ISU Bucharest Ilfov, quoted by Mediafax.

According to the first information, the fire occurred on the first floor of a residential complex within the sports base, where three studio-type rooms burned. According to the Emergency Situations Inspection, three victims were found at the scene. When the ISU crews arrived, some 50 people had been evacuated.

“Fire on the first floor, took place in 3 rooms, in an area of ​​about 100 square meters. We intervened with 4 water and foam fire trucks, a tall rescue truck and 3 first aid kits, one of which was a mobile intensive care unit. Victims: a charred deceased, two people who requested first aid without transportation to the hospital.

The cause of the fire is being determined, the rooms were studio style, inhabited, approximately 50 people were evacuated until crews arrived, ”said ISU Bucharest-Ilfov captain Milcă Niculae.

Editing: Monica Bonea
