Final decision: Mining Case of June 1990, returned to the Military Prosecutor’s Office, due to nullification of the accusation / In this case, Ion Iliescu and Petre Roman were referred to the courts in 2017 – Essential


The Mining File of June 13-15, 1990, in which former President Ion Iliescu, former Prime Minister Petre Roman and former SRI Director Virgil Magureanu were prosecuted in June 2017 for crimes against humanity, will return to the Prosecutor’s Office to reopen the investigation. The decision was made by the Supreme Court on Thursday and is final. Thus, the National Court confirmed the initial judgment in this regard, issued in May 2019, on the occasion of the annulment of the indictment. The case was sent to court in 2017 and spent 2 years in a preliminary chamber of the supreme court. Now, more than 30 years after those events in which 4 people were shot and more than a thousand more were injured, the accusation must be redone.

In May 2019, the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice decided that the Mining case be returned to the Prosecutor’s Office to reopen the investigation, and the solution generated a wave of discontent among the civil parties of the case who were in the courtroom and then imputed “. injustice”. “We have been fighting for this enslaved non-functional injustice for 29 years, there have been descendants, but this historical record clearly shows that we have won freedom with blood. What else do I have for society, when I don’t have this fair trial? “said Marin Stoica, who was brutally beaten in June 1990 into a coma.

However, the decision was not final, being contested both by the Attorney General’s Office and by hundreds of victims and their heirs.

On Thursday, the supreme court rejected these appeals as unfounded. The decision, pronounced at the Council Room meeting, is final.

Thus, more than 30 years after the events in which 4 people were shot and another 1,000 were injured, the Mining case returns to the Attorney General’s Office – Military Prosecutor’s Office, to reopen the investigation from scratch.

The Supreme Court invoked the unwillingness to initiate the criminal investigation into the acts “allegedly committed” by Ion Iliescu, Petre Roman, Gelu Voican Voiculescu, Virgil Măgureanu and Mugurel Cristian Florescu, between June 11 and 12, 1990, ” under the aspect of illegality of the criminal investigation carried out in question after the reopening of the criminal investigation into the commission of the crime of crimes against humanity in the normative variant of death of persons. ”The ICCJ invoked the nullity of several acts of criminal prosecution in favor of the accused, finding the nullity of the indictment drawn up in the case.

On June 13, 2017, the General Prosecutor’s Office sent Ion Iliescu, on the date of the events, president of the Provisional Council of National Union (CPUN) and president of Romania; Petre Roman, former prime minister; Gelu Voican Voiculescu, former Deputy Prime Minister; Virgil Măgureanu, former director of the Romanian Intelligence Service; General (res.) Mugurel Cristian Florescu, deputy attorney general and head of the Military Prosecutor’s Office.

Likewise, the following were sent to trial: Admiral (res.) Emil „Cico” Dumitrescu, at the time of the events, member of the CPUN and head of the General Directorate of Culture, Press and Sports of the Ministry of the Interior; Cazimir Ionescu, vice president of CPUN; Adrian Sârbu, Chief of Staff and Advisor to the Prime Minister; Miron Cozma, president of the Executive Bureau of the “Jiu Valley” Free Mining Trade Unions League; Matei Drella, union leader of Bărbăteni Mining; Plăieş Cornel Burlec, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Mines; General (res.) Vasile Dobrinoiu, commander of the Higher School of Military Officers of the Ministry of the Interior; Colonel (res.) Petre Petre, Commander of Military Unit 0575 Măgurele of the Ministry of the Interior; Alexandru Ghinescu, director of the IMGB.

Military prosecutors say that on June 11 and 12, 1990, state authorities decided to launch a violent attack on protesters in the University Square in Bucharest, who were campaigning mainly for the adoption of point 8 of the Timişoara Proclamation. and expressing himself in peaceful political visions, in contrast to those of the majority that formed the political power at that time.

Forces from the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of National Defense, SRI, as well as more than 10,000 miners and other workers from various areas of the country were illegally involved in this attack. The attack was carried out on the morning of June 13, 1990, with the following consequences: death by gunshots of 4 people, injuries to the physical or mental integrity of a total of 1,388 people, deprivation of the fundamental right to freedom, for reasons of order. politically, a total of 1,250 people, according to prosecutors.

On January 15, the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice ordered the constitution of several institutions, including the Government, the Gendarmerie, the Attorney General’s Office, the Ministries of the Interior, Finance and Defense, as civilly responsible parties in the Mining Case of 13 to June 15, 1990, in which former President Ion Iliescu is on trial for crimes against humanity.
