Final BAC Results Fall 2020. Final grades shown. Only one in three candidates approved News, News Romania | Freedom


UPDATE at 14.00. The final promotion rate, registered in the August-September call for the 2020 national baccalaureate exam, once the resources have been resolved, is 34.1%, increasing almost a percentage, compared to the August-September 2019 call (33, 4%), according to a statement from the Ministry of Education.

11,742 candidates (884 more than the first sample of results) passed the exam in this session. Of these, 7,543 candidates come from the current promotion and 4,199 candidates come from previous promotions.

The promotion success rate for the 2019-2020 school year increased to 36.4% (from 34% – before appeals), while for previous promotions, the proportion of promoted candidates is 30.5% (27 , 8% before resolving appeals).

10,355 appeals were filed (12,482 in 2020). In the case of 6,096 works, the laws were modified (by increase or decrease).

The minimum average to pass the exam is 6 (six) and the minimum grade for each written test is 5 (five). The promotion percentage is calculated from the total number of candidates present, including the eliminated candidates in this category.

UPDATE now 10.55. The final results of the Baccalaureate 2020 were displayed on the high school notice boards, but also on the website.

High School 2020 results for the autumn call, by region, according to

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The initial results of the 2020 Baccalaureate, the fall session, were published on September 2 and the resources could be made the same day, between 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Students can file complaints in physical and electronic format.

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The Ministry of National Education specified that the qualification of the students after the presentation of the resources may be lower or higher than the initial one.

In the case of works initially marked between 4.50 – 4.99 or those that received a mark greater than or equal to 9.50, the final result continues to be that obtained after appeal. The rest will receive a modified grade upon appeal only if it differs by more than 0.5 points from the initial one, according to the Ministry of Education.

The final results of the autumn session of the Baccalaureate 2020 will be anonymized

As was done in the first session of the Baccalaureate 2020, the final results of the students of the autumn session of Bac 2020 will be published anonymizing the name and surname, in accordance with the specific provisions in force.

Therefore, no one will be able to see the name of any candidate associated with a rating. Everything will be based on unique codes.

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43,000 candidates

enrolled in the Bac 2020 autumn call. 25,000 students are from the 2019-2020 class, and the rest come from previous classes, according to the Ministry of Education.

Consequently, both on the notice board and on the online page of the Ministry of Education dedicated to the results of the Baccalaureate 2020, codes will appear next to which the grades and averages obtained will be displayed. Each candidate will have the corresponding code in advance.

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