FCSB got rid of quarantine, after training camp in Antalya! DSP decision


  • CONTEXT: FCSB is the only League 1 team that has made a camp outside the country, despite the bans imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic. UTA also crossed the border, but only for a friendly match with Szeged.
  • GSP requested official opinions from the Romanian authorities with responsibility in this case: the Government, the Ministry of Health, the Public Health Directorates of Bucharest and Ilfov. Absolutely everyone had the same response: “We did not receive any requests and we did not offer any approval to the FCSB to avoid a possible quarantine.”

UPDATE 17:30 – Doubtful explanation from DSP, after FCSB escaped from quarantine: “They presented the proof at the airport”

In a message to Gazeta Sportulor, Oana Nicolescu, director of DSP Bucharest, offered an official reaction, not wanting to offer additional explanations. The director of DSP talks about a “paper” presented at the airport, through which FCSB demonstrated its participation in an international competition. However, So far, the rojibel club has not made public any information about the name of the opponent or the score of the supposed friendly!

The members of the sports delegation of the FCSB Football Club presented, to the representatives of DSPMB that operate at Henri Coandă International Airport, proof of participation in an international sports competition held in Belek-Antalya, Turkey, for which reason they were exempted from the quarantine measure under the provisions of art. 1 par. 1 on. t) of CNSU Decision no. 48/2020 modifying art. 3 of CNSU Decision no. 36/2020.
– Oana Nicolescu – Director of DSP Bucharest

FCSB did not present in any communication channel the proof of the existence of the friendly, the name of the opponent or the result.

UPDATE 16:10 – FCSB escaped from quarantine

According to official sources, FCSB escaped from quarantine. Each player received an individual exemption from quarantine.

Players and staff are now heading to the Berceni base, where they will prepare for tomorrow’s match with Astra, from round 16 of League 1.

FCSB returned to Romania, after training camp in Antalya+14 PHOTOS

UPDATE 15:25 – FCSB goes to the camp in Berceni

The “red-blue” delegation left the airport after the players and staff cleared customs and submitted the Covid-19 tests performed before leaving Turkey. FCSB and DSP have not yet announced whether the “red-blues” will be quarantined.

Players and staff boarded the team bus and will head to the Berceni training base, where they will remain at camp at least pVIDEO tomorrow, when the match with Astra is scheduled. If the DSP decides that they should be quarantined, they will remain on the sports base for 10 days.

VIDEO. FCSB arrived in the country today »Toni Petrea’s players were transferred by bus from the airport

UPDATE 15:00 – FCSB arrives in the country

The FCSB delegation arrived at the airport late compared to the originally estimated time.

UPDATE 14:00 – FCSB left Antalya

The plane with the FCSB delegation should have taken off from Antalya earlier, but the departure was delayed. In the end, the red-blues left at 2:00 p.m.

The initial news

It remains to be seen what decision the DSP will make in the case of the red-blues: whether they will be quarantined, in accordance with the law, or whether the friendly that Gigi Becali assures that her team played yesterday it will be enough for the purpose of the FCSB camp to be included in “sports competitions”, and the leader of League 1 to get rid of the quarantine.

Departure of the plane with the delegation. FCSB it is delayed so it is unlikely that it will land in Bucharest before 1:45 pm. Meanwhile, the rivals of League 1 clearly and clearly demand the quarantine of the red-blues.

According to GSP.ro, the FCSB delegation will be received at customs control by the DSP representative. The red-blues will complete a statement, specifying the period of the camp, the mode of travel, their reason and who contacted Antalya.

At the same time, those from FCSB must also present information on the hotel where they were housed, proving that they did not come into contact with someone outside the delegation and that the measures to prevent infection by the SARS-CoV virus were observed. 2: social distancing, mask use and triage. Finally, the DSP representative will decide if a quarantine measure is required.

FCSB must play Astra on stage 16 on Friday

FCSB should face Astra Giurgiu in round 16 of League 1, the first in return. The game is scheduled for Friday, January 15 and can be seen liveTEXT on GSP.ro. FCSB finished the round in first place, with 34 points, two over CS Universitatea Craiova and 3 over champion CFR Cluj. If quarantined, FCSB will lose the following matches:

VIDEO. Toni Petrea prologue FCSB – Astra + What he says about the games with Dinamo

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