Father Calistrat, who recommends gargling and “brandy” against the coronavirus, has COVID-19. “There is absolutely no conspiracy”


The priest made the announcement on Friday night, on a social network, where he says he feels fine, but is hospitalized, undergoing treatment and under the supervision of doctors.

Furthermore, Father Calistrat says that he is now convinced of the severity of the COVID-19 disease, given that he has so far spoken of an alleged coronavirus conspiracy.

This is the priest of the Vladiceni monastery in Iaşi, who recently recommended not to gargle with Sars CoV-2, gargle with water and salt or “a shot of brandy”.

“Tonight (Friday – no.), I took a little break with good and pure thought, to all the lovers of our orthodox teaching page, to thank all Christians, for any beautiful thoughts, for any warm prayer and sincere. , for every concern of each of you who visit our monastery and our teaching page.

– I will remind you that a dry, forced and uncontrolled cough has taken over my respiratory system, so I made the decision to go to the hospital voluntarily.

– With no specific symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, the test confirmed that the test was positive on Monday.

– The diagnosis is under the control of the specialist, doctor professor of Infectious Diseases-Iasi, I am fine, I am in treatment with antibiotics, I am in the hospital reserve, in monitoring and rest, there is absolutely no conspiracy, everything is the most normal possible, in a few days I will be in the cell, after the decision of the specialist with the treatment carried out according to the hospitalization protocol.

– Probably, it seems a bit difficult, the fact that 10 or 12 days should rest and get away from the faithful, but these are the rules of hygiene.

– After taking the next test, which will probably be negative after treatment, it will be a period of several neutral days and we will see each other in peace and quiet at the Vladiceni monastery, our place of spiritual joy and services for our good believers.

– Don’t worry anymore, I’m fine, I’m in treatment, I don’t have complications, I don’t have serious health problems.

– Let’s not exaggerate, let’s not conspire, let’s not create unnecessary confusion, I am also an ordinary person, I respect and love everyone, that is why I did not believe and I do not believe in scenarios or supposed bad thoughts about me, of someone.

“The One God protects us, guards us, saves us and protects us and watches over every moment of our life (…)”, is the message sent on Friday night on Father Calistrat’s Facebook page.
