Family doctors call for the urgent dismissal of Virgil Guran, adviser to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban


The National Society of Family Medicine (SNMF) sent a statement on Sunday night requesting the “urgent dismissal” of Virgil Guran, adviser to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, following statements he made on television. At the same time, family doctors specify that they expect from Virgil Guran “frequent public apologies to the medical body.”

According to SNMF, Virgul Guran declared in a television program: “You have to act, if you are not firm, you will lose. And everyone must understand. Who wants to send doctors to die? (…) What to do? It’s like the military, you send them to war, some die, unfortunately ”.

“The statement of Virgil Guran, representative of the Executive, is cynical and irresponsible, the military goes to war armed, not like family doctors, empty-handed. Lack of respect for doctors and lack of empathy for patients disqualifies him from any public office. In the hope that this councilor’s statement is a personal opinion and does not represent the Romanian government’s position, the SNMF urgently demands his dismissal, ”the statement read.

The SNMF affirms that the counselor’s statement was made in the context of the reaction of family doctors to the statement of the Minister of Health, who announced that they will go to the homes of those confirmed positive.

“We specify that family doctors do not have decontaminable cars, they do not have adequate equipment and the possibility of equipping and dismantling them safely,” says SNMF.

This is not the first time that Virgil Guran has made controversial statements. In August, Virgil Guran said at a press conference held at the NLP Dâmbovița headquarters that the vast majority of people infected with coronavirus do not even feel they have the virus. “A cold is more difficult to transmit than the virus,” Guran said.

Virgil Guran, President of the Dâmbovița County NLP organization, was appointed State Counselor on Public Order and Public Safety Issues at Prime Minister Ludovic Orban’s Chancellery in early December 2019.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
