Family decimated by COVID. Eight members lost their lives


Eight members of the same family in the United States lost their lives after being infected with COVID-19, although they were very careful and attentive to health regulations, reports CNN. In addition, the family business, which prospered until the beginning of the pandemic, went bankrupt and those who survived have difficulty coping. The United States recently reports 60,000 new coronavirus infections a day. Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 8 million cases and almost 222 thousand deaths have been registered.

Ricardo Aguirre lost his father and 7 other relatives, who died after becoming infected with the new coronavirus. The pandemic destroyed his business and made him, his pregnant wife and two of his children sick.

“I feel powerless. I’m angry that I can’t go back to where I was. I lost my father. It’s very difficult,” confessed Ricardo Aguirre.

The man does not know how they got COVID-19. They wore masks and used disinfectant constantly. The first case occurred in the family in May. His father battled the new coronavirus for several months.

“My father died in my arms on September 11, at 3:30 in the morning. It was very difficult, because we did everything together. I was with him for 42 years ”, said Ricardo.

Ricardo Aguirre’s mother, who was cured of COVID-19, is still fighting the disease and needs medical treatment. Medical bills are already approaching $ 1 million.

“It’s too much!” Ricardo confesses. The man also can’t afford to pay that bill through Obamacare. “I can’t afford it, it’s too much! It’s like paying for another house,” explains Ricardo.

With the business ruined by the pandemic, now the man is only praying to be healthy and strong, especially since the fourth child, the first girl in the family, will be born.

“I felt that we were financially and emotionally prepared to take care of another human being. Now, with everything that happens, all I ask of God is the strength to face another day,” says the COVID survivor.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
