Explosion of ambulance requests. Alis Grasu: We are close to the red script


Most of the calls come from people showing signs of infection with the new coronavirus. She says that in 25 days, the ambulances transported around 5,490 people.

“It is a situation that is difficult to coordinate, it is a situation that is quite difficult to handle. We are talking about a huge increase in the number of requests for almost a month and a half, and in the last eight days, these requests have increased explosively. If on September 6 1,373 cases were registered in 24 hours -and these exceed the usual average of one day in the Ambulance Service- on October 6 the number was 1,880 requests, and today, in the last 24 hours, we are speaking of 1,954 requests.

There are many requests from people showing signs and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and wanting home consultation and evaluation, tests. The number of these people is great and very great. They are not emergencies, we try to solve all these cases, but we do not forget that we are an emergency service, people continue to have emergencies, people continue to have heart attacks, strokes, respiratory and digestive disorders, real code emergencies. code red, yellow, and even home visits that are not COVID-19 infections.

That is why we must prioritize these requests in the most correct way possible to solve with absolute priority the emergency of the red code, which threatens life immediately, but we certainly do not neglect patients who want to get tested and who present signs and symptoms that suggest the disease with the new coronavirus ”, declared on Tuesday night, in an intervention on Antena 3, the manager of the Bucharest – Ilfov Ambulance Service, Alis Grasu.

He explained that in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, in less than a month, more than 5,000 transports of COVID-19 patients were carried out for medical investigations at the hospital.

“The number of these patients, especially in the Bucharest-Ilfov region, is very high during this period. In about 25 days, about 5,490 people were transported. Here we are talking about round trips, that is, they take to the hospital for evaluation, they are left there for a few hours where they are analyzed, x-rays or CT scans – lungs, and then they go home safe and sound.

The way to the hospital by ambulance or in those minibuses of the Emergency Situations Inspectorate is short, all patients wear masks, they do not stand in front of each other, they feel like in a minibus or in a transport ambulance, where the chairs are placed one behind the other and there is no risk for patients diagnosed with COVID-19, “he said.

The SABIF director also mentioned that dozens of employees of the institution she runs have been infected with SARS-CoV-2.

“At this moment we have 27 infected people and 12 people in isolation. It is normal for this to happen. Employees of the Ambulance Service also live in the same community as all other citizens. They had children at school. There have been a large number of cases since school started. In the health system, the world is small. Many of our employees have their spouses working in hospitals, they and they, in turn, were vectors “, concluded Alis Grasu, according to RomâniaTV.
