EXCLUSIVE Who came to care for the children of Antonia and Alex Velea. The two declared themselves overwhelmed by the situation and resorted to an extreme measure.


Antonia and Alex Velea fail to divide their parents’ lives and their careers. Upon reaching the brink of despair, the two spouses called Craiova’s “reinforcements.”

Antonia and Alex Velea can no longer cope, but do not want to hire a babysitter

They have been in love for over five years and have managed to cope with all the obstacles that stand in their way. Although everyone was married when they fell in love, Antonia and Alex Velea They ignored nothing and fought for their love, despite being harshly judged by an entire country. Now, they form a happy family and have two children together, Dominic and Akim.

Velea and Antonia asked their parents for help.
Velea and Antonia asked their parents for help.

Over the years, Antonia and Alex rejected the idea of ​​using a babysitter to care for children in their absence and designed a program where one could stay at home with the children for a certain part of the day and the other for the rest. day. When they both had urgent matters, the one who stayed with the children was Antonia’s mother. Now, however, the two artists have become increasingly in demand professionally, and Dominic and Akim need much more time from adults, because they have grown up and are much more active. In addition to that, they have many more extracurricular activities.

Velea moved with her parents to Bucharest

Seeing that the division between families and professional activities was increasingly exhausting, Alex and Antonia considered it necessary to ask for help. No, they did not seek the help of a babysitter, nor did they want to consider this possibility. Thus, the artist made a surprising proposal to his parents:

“Alex’s mother and father lived a lifetime in Craiova, this is no longer a secret to anyone. They are simple, modest people, with a lot of common sense, Alex considered that nobody can take care of their children’s education better than their parents Therefore, he proposed to them to move to Bucharest, and they gladly accepted. They sold the apartment in Craiova and bought another one here. Of course, there was also a difference in money, which Alex paid. Now, the children are in good hands, and Alex and Antonia can see their concerts in peace. They could not neglect them either, they have to earn money, “sources close to the couple told us!

They moved to a new house.

Alex and Antonia recently decided that there wasn’t enough space for them in the three-bedroom apartment where they lived. Therefore, they sold the property and made another loan to the bank. With this money, the two artists bought a beautiful villa, for which they will take out of their pocket the amount of 2,800 lei per month, which represents the rate.
