Exclusive video | Dumitru Dragomir intervened in the “Colțescu scandal”! Former director of the LPF, harsh attack on Ionuț Stroe and Roxana Mărăcineanu


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The former head of the League categorically transmitted that, from his point of view, the accusations made to Sebastián Col Sebastianescu are totally unfounded.

Dumitru Dragomir, sharpened on the “Colțescu scandal”

How can you say it is racism? If it was the white man who committed acts of indiscipline, he said that the white man did. Colțescu did nothing wrong. He spoke fluent Romanian, anyone would have said the same. It may be an unhappy expression, but not a racist one“, Aired Dumitru Dragomir, on Digi Sport Morning.

The former president of the LPF criticized, at the same time, Ionuț Stroe, Minister of Youth and Sports, and Roxana Mărăcineanu, the French Minister of Sports, two of the voices that categorically accused Sebastián Colțescu of racism.

Some people without personality want to stand out. I was also looking at this minister from France, who was a great athlete, but has less mind.

What mind do they have? They destroyed everything, justice, everything, sports. Take a look at what’s happening in women’s handball. They are callous as they have never been mentioned before, they come to power in vain.

The federation is accountable to FIFA and UEFA, in Romania only if it comes to corruption, MTS does not have any business. How much money did MTS give to Romanian football? Did you give him a lion? So what is Stroe looking for to have a voice in Romanian football?“Dumitru Dragomir said.

“Aren’t they ashamed? They did Halep in every way.”

In the context of the accusations made against Sebastian Colțescu also externally, Dumitru Dragomir recalled important figures in the history of Romanian football, who at one point were victims of racist comments.

Donkeys are not ashamed? They did Halep in every way, Țiriac, Năstase. Can only they express themselves in all ways?“, Dumitru Dragomir also said.

VIDEO with the intervention of Dumitru Dragomir from Digi Sport Matinal:

Tags: dumitru dragomir , sebastian coltescu scandal , accusations of racism sebastian coltescu , racism sebastian colțescu
