EXCLUSIVE Mihai Petre tells the truth about leaving PRO TV: «News like this always takes you by surprise»


  • Click !: Hello! What is Mihai Petre doing these days? What activities do you have?

Mihai Petre: I take care of the children and the dance school, that’s my daily life. The hallways reopened on June 1. In our country, dealing with high-performance athletes, we submit to the joint order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Health. And we can activate, we have conditions to go to the gym, but we must respect the rules of distance and hygiene. And this is how the square meter becomes more expensive, because we have to have fewer people than we usually enter the space we have, but, thank God, since September it has been going well, the world has started to come back.

  • Dance contests were also canceled.

Yes, they are all canceled. Even this weekend an attempt was made to organize the Romanian Cup, I was invited to referee, but considering the evolution of diseases with Covid, in recent days, I received a message that it was canceled. Although the organization required testing from all participants, it was not public. We wanted to get back to normal, as we understand it today.

  • Everyone was surprised when, last week, it was announced that you were no longer part of the jury of the program “Romanians have talent” (PRO TV). Did you expect such a decision?

We talked about it, we were officially announced on Monday and on Friday (October 9) it was communicated. This news always takes you by surprise. He knew a few days before that there was an intention to change the meaning of the dynamics at the jury table, bringing a lady or a young woman. But I wasn’t sure … It’s not up to me to judge this, I just know that this was what I wanted. That was the main idea, to get another dynamic and to establish the balance there, in the jury.

  • Do you think the show’s rating will influence your departure and Alexandra Dinu’s arrival?

I don’t know, but “Romanians have talent” will continue to be the best entertainment program. It’s a fantastic format, a very good team there.

  • But without you it won’t be the same.

I can not say that. The audience decides, I also have my fans. It remains to be seen what it will be, I’m also curious to see it. I will be happy to watch this program, because it is a format in my soul. And the format itself, the team and the station are very dear to me. We remain friends with everyone on the team.

  • But did he stay in the trust, on Pro TV?

At the moment I am free of contract and I am analyzing the options I have to continue on television, because I want to continue doing television, I think I have something to say.

  • You are talented and have had many projects, from television shows to roles in television series.

Yes, I had this opportunity. I always said I had a chance and people who trusted me gave me a chance. I have always tried, as in sports, to be as professional as possible and to do my job well for the team and for the public. After all, we serve the public.

  • Do you think you were the toughest jury and did something wrong? Did anyone think you were too harsh on your competitors?

I don’t know what the others thought, but I can tell what I think and how I feel. I’m sorry, and that’s what I’ve always set out to do, to be as honest as possible. Freely express what I think and give the most accurate feedback in the context in which I was, in a talent show and a television program. Always, with respect to the competitor, and always having to do it alone and only with the artistic act presented and not with the person in front of me. That was my philosophy, I consider that I did nothing wrong, I have nothing to blame, I am 100% reconciled, because I always tried to give feedback as faithful as possible and help the competitor to reflect. Otherwise, it is speculated. I can tell you how I feel and what I wanted as a jury.

  • It was probably an overnight decision, considering that you were recently on Cătălin Măruță’s show, along with Pavel Bartoș, to promote season 11 presets.

I didn’t know then that a decision had been made.

  • Who did you get along with best among the jurors and the presenters?

I repeat, I have a very good relationship with everyone. Although it has been speculated … I can only thank you. Let me repeat that it was an honor for me and I am convinced that we will meet again in this area of ​​entertainment and spectacle. I am absolutely grateful and I thank everyone on the team. Not just the stars that everyone sees and who my friends are. That was it, I understood this argument. Honestly, I want this show to stay and I’m sure it will continue to be the best show, it’s a fantastic format, which I care about, as I care about the whole team. There was speculation about all kinds of things, if I left … That was the decision.

  • In the meantime, have you received any other show offers since this decision?

We had several discussions. For now, I can’t talk about it, there are discussions and plans.

  • You have your audience wanting you on television.

Yes, and I want to return and I am convinced that I will return at some point, but it is a period in which I simply analyze opportunities that I can take advantage of successfully and that are convenient for me, because it is not that simple.

  • Do you see yourself on a new TV show? A dance one?

I think from my experience, I am quite versatile to do more roles. Dancing is my passion, but there is still no such show in our country.

  • “Dancing for You” was a great project. Don’t you miss a show like that?

Dancing, obviously. “Dancing for you” is the other half of my heart. And “Romanians have talent” is the other half …

  • At one point you also played in famous series. Wouldn’t you like to repeat the experience?

This is another great passion, acting, after dancing. I have not received any more offers. I did this with pleasure, I developed a lot and learned a lot. The opportunity I had then motivated me to go to classes, I went to America, to New York, to classes, because I like to develop.

  • Have you thought about going to your own television project?

For now, I have been thinking about making my own Youtube channel and started working on it.

  • Do your girls inherit your talents?

I’m fine thank God. That’s the most important thing. The oldest is 7 years old, almost 8, the youngest, 2, is healthy, dances and sings. The big one is interested in dancing, the little one is happy.

I congratulated him. God, when I found out, I was so happy! You can’t help but think about how many years have passed and how things are evolving. And how beautiful life is. And as soon as I found out, I picked up the phone, congratulated him, and immediately opened a bottle of wine and drank a glass in his honor.

Read also:

EXCLUSIVE Why Mihai Petre left “Romanians have talent.” Behind the scenes of the separation of PRO TV

Exclusive! This is what Mihai Petre does after “Romanians are talented.”
