EXCLUSIVE. Iulian Bulai (USR), sanctioned by CNCD. Aberrant comments


Iulian Bulai (USR), sanctioned by CNCD. The controversial statement made on December 25, 2019, the holy day of Christmas, consists of 5,000 lei for USR deputy Iulian Bulai. Jesus Christ “comes from a very strange family” that consists of the Virgin Mary who is a “surrogate mother”, Joseph is “a father who has passed the prime of life” and Jesus “appeared to the world without his parents having done love”.

The National Council to Combat Discrimination (CNDC) decided last night after a meeting with intense debates and after a vote of 6 to 3 of the members of the Institution’s College, that the leader of the USR be sanctioned with 5,000 lei.

The argument: he exceeded freedom of expression and the effect of his statement created a hostile and degrading environment towards citizens.

Iulian Bulai (USR), sanctioned by CNCD .: “You cannot gossip about the basic elements of faith”

The president of the CNCD, Csaba Ferenc Asztalos, confirmed the information, the fact that the institution decided last night to sanction the leader of the RSU.

“The considerations of the majority of the members of the College were that the declaration in question expresses a perseverance towards the faith, a trivialization of the faith. An invasion of free speech. You cannot gossip about the fundamentals of faith. It weighed heavily on decision making and the quality of the sender of the message. He is not a journalist, writer, actor. He is a public figure, a politician and in his case freedom of expression is more limited, it must be controlled more ”, said Csaba Asztalos.

Bulai’s “lawyers”: it was a call for diversity

The USR leader also had supporters. Of the nine members of CNCD College, three vehemently opposed Bulai’s sanction.

Bulai’s “lawyers” insisted that he had given a modern interpretation of Christmas. Even then, 2000 years ago, diversity was not accepted. José and María had to hide because they were not accepted by society. Iulian Bulai’s statement was a call for diversity. “

The three supporters of the progressive leader were USR’s Cătălina Olteanu, Istvan Haler, CNCD College member of civil society, and PSD representative, Maria Lazăr.

Iulian Bulai has the right to challenge the CNCD’s decision in the Bucharest Court of Appeal, Csaba Asztalos told us.

USR-Plus progressives promote the values ​​of the neo-Marxist globalist current

On December 25, 2019, exactly the day Christians celebrate the birth of the Lord, USR deputy Iulian Bulai posted a text on FB that provoked many reactions of indignation and rejection from the people. Progressive Bulai’s message took effect in the anthology of the most controversial political statements of the last 30 years.

The USR deputy’s appetite for the caricature and popularization of Christian values ​​is a constant among progressive leaders, whether USR or Plus.

The leaders and representatives of the USR-Plus Alliance are the supporters of the globalist current called “progressive” or “neo-Marxist” in Europe and the United States. This current promotes the challenge of history, contempt for moral and Christian values, the imposition of the globalist policy “cancel culture”, gender ideology, the policy entitled “maintain diversity” expressed by aggressive positive discrimination against social segments such as LGBT or people of color.

Iulian Bulai (USR), sanctioned by CNCD. Remember. This is the position of deputy of the USR since December 25, 2019

“A child. Poor and from a very strange family. An early father and a teenage mother. With a surrogate mother and a father who accepts paternity without having contributed to it. Rejected by the community. He was born without his parents being married, recently engaged. His birth shows the extraordinary but also the limits of the society in which he appeared. “

“2000 years ago, the above happened. Their destiny is shared today by many children in Romania, but who did not have such loving parents with them. We have more than 50,000 children in the care of the state. More than 3,000 children are adopted for adoption every year. More than a third of the 3,000 cannot find a family. Annually approx. 2,000 children are declared difficult to adopt, nobody wants them in Romania. More than 1,000 Romanian children were trafficked in the UK alone until 2007. Recently, the Romanian judiciary did not find anyone guilty of the several tens / hundreds that were allegedly involved in the trafficking of nearly 200 children from Țăndărei. This is the most publicized recent case of human trafficking in Romania, but it is by no means the only one ”.
