EXCLUSIVE FCSB, back in Ghencea? “I sued CSA! Let’s see Talpan’s reaction!” The announcement made by the leader of the red-blue gallery


FCSB is not giving up on the dream of playing in the new Ghencea stadium, which was completed this fall.

FCSB has officially presented the documents to play at the ‘Arc de Triomphe’ stadium, but the leader of the rojibul gallery, Gheorghe Mustata, assures that the team has not yet given up on the dream of returning to Ghencea.

Mustata says that they will do their best to get FCSB received in Ghencea and the Salvati Steaua Association is ready to make a national request for this.

Supporters threaten to sue the Army Sports Club if they are not accepted into Ghencea:

“Soon the commander had to react and when we, the Salvati Steaua Association, sent a request to the CSA to communicate the documents that present the transaction between the CSA and Mr. Paunescu, between Mr. Paunescu and Mr. Becali. We know that they did not sell a tank to Mr. Becali and they classified those documents, they sold a football section, which they reestablished in 2017, and they will have a record since ’47, where the commander had to go to work. “Don’t accuse us. All the fans thought the CSA had to send us.”

We are demanding that the CSA provide us with all the documents regarding that transaction.

The guys from the south who went to CSA, us from the north who stayed with the team and the undecided. I hope to bring the undecided back to the North Lawn and show them exactly what it was like before. The star was never downgraded, I know. If someone tells me that Steaua has ever been demoted, I will give them my honorable mention that I will not enter the stadium.

After the revolution, nobody can say that he was not in the game with Villareal and I was throwing snow on the field. Then I took 50 fans out of the stands and went into the snow, how can someone take this story, my memories. How can anyone say that Steaua did not play with Chelsea, with Manchester City?

Ban CSA and Mr. Orban from entering, because he can keep up with the Steaua League 1 rhythm. We will make arrangements with the club management to rent the stadium and play there. If someone takes over and won’t let us, it’s their problem. We all respond! We have state institutions and we will make criminal complaints.

I will come to a request like this, if all the citizens of this country are going to pay 5 million euros in 3 years, the investment of MAPN will be invested in nothing, tell me what benefits have these 5 million brought to the club? Stadium public services will not cost 2-3 lei, it will cost hundreds of thousands. I will not agree “said Gheorghe Mustata, in Ora Exacta in Sport.

Gheorghe Mustata: “I was in Ghencea because I grew up there!”

The FCSB gallery leader was already in Ghencea to see what the new stadium looks like and immortalized the moment with some photos and a video.

“I don’t know why so much valve was made and why there is so much evil, as long as we fans are allowed to enter there.

It is the right of every citizen, we all contribute money to the state budget. It is an investment fund, it is not MAPN money, it is not Talpan money.

The fact that I entered the stadium, leaving on my way to Germany, I stopped in front of the stadium and I couldn’t help passing by the place where I grew up. No one can forbid me to go in there.

I entered without any problem, I was alone, I asked someone to take pictures of me. It’s not a problem, I don’t understand why so much evil. I was calm, calm, well, I took those photos. I also sent them a video that I made to remember the games in Ghencea.

Everyone knows these things, how many years I spent and how I got on the top of the tram to get to the games. No one can forbid me to enter Ghencea.

That was the story of this scandal, in quotes, because I didn’t kill anyone. “said Mustata, on PRO X.
