EXCLUSIVE Doping of the Astra !? Suspicions that Fatai, Takayuki and Ioniță were doped in a famous clinic!


  • The players admitted to ANAD employees that they had been injected with more than 100 ml, which means doping.
  • The clinic published images of the 3 players in therapy on social networks, then deleted them and refused to offer one of them the images taken during treatment
  • According to information from the GSP, the ANAD will notify the players, at which point they will automatically enter a state of suspension and an investigation will be opened.
  • GSP has contacted clinic officials and the company’s point of view is presented in full, as received by the editorial staff.

League 1 is about to suffer a scandal of proportions! Three known footballers from a major club are at the center of suspicions that they have resorted to a method prohibited by WADA regulations! I mean, it would have been doped! And they are subject to suspension! The 3 are Fatai, Takayuki Seto and Alexandru Ioniță, from Astra Giurgiu!



In early September, ANAD took possession of some photos, which a Bucharest clinic published to promote its image and the treatments it performs. In those images appeared the 3 Astra Giurgiu footballers, with the infusions in their veins!

You can even see the bottle of vitamins and minerals, substances that are not prohibited by the WADA regulations, even if they are administered intravenously. However, a point in the World Anti-Doping Agency articles clearly states that regardless of the substance, it is forbidden to inject more than 100 ml into a vein within 12 hours.


“Any intravenous infusion and / or injection of more than 100 ml over a 12 hour period is considered a violation of the WADA regulation, except those legitimately received during hospital treatment, surgical procedures or clinical diagnostic investigations.”

It is considered an accepted therapy, even if it exceeds 100 mL at 12 hours only if there is an exemption for therapeutic use or in situations where such treatments are legitimately performed in a hospital treatment. That was not the case of Astra 3!

In the images we can also see the weight written on the bottle: 100 mL.


However, ANAD could not know if the footballers used more than one bottle, so they launched a preliminary investigation and sent some employees to speak with the 3 players. They waited for them at an Astra training session and then they told their colleagues and the club how the dialogue went.

According to them, the 3 explained to the ANAD representatives that they were given two bottles of vitamins and minerals each, without realizing that their answers practically meant clear evidence that they had violated the WADA regulations. Because two vials mean about 200 ml. And it is considered doping.

However, the statements of the players were not videotaped or recorded in writing and signed by the players at the time. The reason? The procedure says that the official questioning can take place only after there is an official notification and a disciplinary procedure has been opened.


Parallel to the investigations carried out on the players, those from ANAD also went to the respective clinic. But she was reluctant to cooperate. They allegedly refused to present the cards due to the treatment offered to the players and sent them to the employees of the National Anti-Doping Agency for official written requests, to which they will respond within the legal deadline.

At present, Romanian law does not oblige clinics to conduct an ANAD investigation in such a case. Only the Ministry of Health and the DSPs can have such authority. Also, the clinic, after being visited by ANAD, made a surprising decision: it deleted all the photos with Fatai, Takayuki and Ioniță that it had posted on its Instagram page!



Another thing that maintains the questions regarding the procedure carried out by the players is the fact that one of the footballers had requested the file and even the filming of the moment of therapy, but was rejected by those of the clinic.

According to Gazeta, Fatai would have asked for these things after the discussion he had with ANAD employees, but he would have been affected by the clinic’s refusal! The girl allegedly told ANAD that she saw that he was also filmed, not only photographed, who were in the clinic, when they administered vitamins to his vein.


The clinic that Astra footballers attended is called Cronos Med, it is based in the north of Bucharest, near Herăstrău and its owner is Constantin Stan, the husband of Andreea Berecleanu, one of the most famous cosmetic doctors in Romania.


GSP sources close to the Astra club reveal that Fatai was the one who suggested Takayuki and Ioniță to resort to such therapy.

And he would even have told them that they would pay a much lower price than normal. Why? Because the clinic would have taken advantage of the footballers’ visit to advertise and thus attract new clients from the athletes.



ANAD declined to comment on this matter, but according to information in the Gazette, the Agency will notify the 3 players as soon as possible. From that moment, according to the statutes of the AMA, Fatai, Takayuki and Ioniță will be suspended. They will no longer have the right to play until the investigation initiated by ANAD is completed and a verdict is rendered.

As was the case of Parvulescu

Even if the conclusion will have a sentence in which the players will not be sanctioned, they cannot be used by the club or allowed to train. The situation was the same in the most recent case, that of Paul Pârvulescu, from Clinceni. Who revealed to GSP Live that he had been doped in the past: “I did not do ozone therapy at FCSB. I did it elsewhere, but not in Steaua, I did it with another team in the country. When I did ozone therapy, the next day I felt bad. Then the next day, it was fine. I can say where I did it, on which team, because there I would put the doctor in a delicate situation, I did not do rectal insufflations, but injections into the veins. okay. But it is doping, yes. “

The footballer was notified, from that moment on he was tried and the ANAD investigation lasted almost 3 months, during which time he did not play for a minute and was not received in training. ANAD’s verdict was: there is insufficient evidence to prove the violation of the provisions of the law, so Pârvulescu did not receive any sanction.


1. The Astra Club is not to blame

If ANAD proves that the procedure followed by the 3 footballers violated WADA regulations, then Kehinde Fatai, Takayuki Seto and Alexandru Ioniță will be suspended and risk extremely high penalties, which can extend up to 1-2 years. On the other hand, the Astra club does not risk anything in this case, because the treatment used by the 3 was carried out on their own, not on the recommendation of the team doctor.

2. The clinic is not to blame, the doctor could be

According to Romanian law, a clinic risks absolutely nothing in such a case, if there is a doping verdict in the case of Astra players. However, in the case of the doctor who infused the players, Mariana Sturza, there could be repercussions. If an athlete is penalized for using a substance or resorting to a prohibited method, then he can go to court against the doctor who recommended him and performed the therapy.


“Athletes need a lot of energy, especially if they are in the middle of the championship. Three football friends from the first league, from Astra Giurgiu, came to Cronos Med for a dose of vitaminization. Dr. Mariana Sturza had a definitive recommendation for Kehinde Fatai, Takayuki Seto and Alexandru Ioniță: CronosVita Energiser, that is, Vitamin C, the complex of B, amino acids and minerals for the maximum form that our young athletes need. We are glad that you have turned to our signature therapies, it is clear that we hold our fists and we are still waiting for you at Cronos Med. Until then, if you want to feel better physically and mentally, yes and mentally and also to support your immunity, the infused vitamins and minerals are the perfect solution for fall. “

Who is Dr. Mariana Sturza, who instilled in the players

– He is a dermatologist and family doctor, specializing in intravenous anti-aging therapies and has been part of Dr. Constantin Stan’s team for more than two years.


What is the CronosVita Energiser treatment, which the 3 players received

In the latest issue of Unica magazine, Dr. Mariana Sturza explains in a wide range of material the various therapies she offers to those who cross the threshold of the clinic where she works. It also details what the CronosVita Energiser treatment, which Fatai, Takayuki, and Ioniță received, involves: “It is the formula that includes Glutathione, vitamin C and magnesium, recommended in periods of high activity, when patients are very tired and need an energy boost. The therapy lasts between 30 minutes and an hour. The number of sessions may vary from patient to patient. to another “.


“Stress, chronic fatigue, lack of energy, weakened immune system, irritability – these can all be signs of vitamin deficiencies. The ideal treatment for patients with any of these symptoms is micronutrient-infused injections. They are individualized. , each patient can benefit from the treatment they need “


  • The Astra Giurgiu athletes were welcomed like all the other patients in our clinic. It was they who requested the treatments performed, programmed themselves, filled out the files with all the medical details, including the consents to administer the treatment but also to use the image. Intravenous vitamin therapies, in fact, are listed in detail on the clinic’s website.
  • After the visit to the clinic of the representatives of the National Anti-Doping Agency, the management responded to all requests and questions related to this situation. We also specify that so far no medical record of any patient has been requested, either verbally or in writing.
  • It should be added that the clinic’s communication department withdrew the photos of the athletes after a 7-day exhibition, at the request prior to an important match. We do not know the reason for this request, but we think that there are reasons to expose the image of the players related to an image contract with the sports club where they work.

Kehinde Fatai |

  • turned 30 in february
  • born in nigeria
  • arrived in Romania 13 years ago, in Farul
  • He has also played in our country in Astra, and abroad in FC Bruges, Sparta Prague, Ufa and Dinamo Minsk

Takayuki Seto

  • turned 34 in february
  • was born in japan
  • came to Romania in 2007, to Astra
  • also played abroad in Osmanlispor, Ventforet Kofu and Riga
  • is the foreigner with the most games of all time in League 1, 274, the second is Camora (272)

Alexandru Ioniță

  • in December he will be 26 years old
  • was born in romania
  • has evolved so far exclusively in Romania, in Rapid, Astra, CFR and U Craiova
  • has 6 games and two goals in the youth team
  • has a selection in the senior team, revised in 2017

Smiley gesture, after Speak posted a video with Gina Pistol. The artist and his girlfriend always avoided the eyes of the world

